Friday 4 August 2017

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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS PRODUCT AND ITS POTENTIAL THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS OR SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS WEBSITE EXAMPLES IN THIS PAGE ARE NOT TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING THE INFORMATION INCLUDED TO THIS PAGE, THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNIQUES WE DO NOT PURPORT THIS AS A GET RICH SCHEME YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN THIS PAGE DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTIONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS SINCE THESE FACTORS DIFFER ACCORDING TO INDIVIDUALS, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS OR INCOME LEVEL NOR ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS MATERIALS IN THIS PAGE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS THAT GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE STATEMENTS BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT RELATE STRICTLY TO HISTORICAL OR CURRENT FACTS THEY USE WORDS SUCH AS ANTICIPATE, ESTIMATE, EXPECT, PROJECT, INTEND, PLAN, BELIEVE, AND OTHER WORDS AND TERMS OF SIMILAR MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH A DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL EARNINGS OR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANY AND ALL FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS HERE OR ON ANY OF OUR SALES MATERIAL ARE INTENDED TO EXPRESS OUR OPINION OF EARNINGS POTENTIAL MANY FACTORS WILL BE IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING YOUR ACTUAL RESULTS AND NO G UARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSE S, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERIAL. AUTO TRADER TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following describes the terms and conditions upon which Quantum Binary Signals offers access to its web Quantum Binary Signals Platform or Quantum Binary Signals Trading Platform to you the customer hereinafter you or user or customer and the use of its services hereinafter the Agreement or User Agreement or Online Services Agreement. This Agreement describes the terms, conditions and risks applicable to your use of our services available under the domain and sub-domains of Quantum Binary Signals If you have any questions regarding this Agreement please contact Customer Support. You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement without modifications, which include those terms and conditions expressly set forth bel ow and those incorporated by reference, before you may use or download Quantum Binary Signals. By continuing to access or use the application, you agree to follow the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement as they may apply to you This Agreement is effective upon acceptance in registration for customers joining a new subscription, or upon receipt of e-mail notification by other users. The Agreement is otherwise effective for all users If you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not use or access our services Please inform us in writing immediately. By using our services you agree to be bound fully by all our terms and conditions including our broker terms and conditions. Quantum Binary Signals may amend or revise this Agreement at any time by posting the amended terms on the application and, by continuing to use the platform you affirm that you agree to be bound by future revisions. Whenever such changes to the terms however, Quantum Binary Signals will do our best to inform its users of scheduled maintenance and when able, will perform these during off-peak hours. Links Quantum Binary Signals provides links to other sites that are controlled or offered by third parties Such links may represent affiliation with respect to such site, its owners or its providers. Quantum Binary Signals cautions you to ensure that you understand the risks involved in using such sites before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the Internet You agree that under no circumstances will you hold Quantum Binary Signals liable for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on other sites. Quantum Binary Signals proposes links to affiliate brokers Those brokers appear in most comparison websites and are well placed Quantum Binary Signals simply based itself on these comparative tests and disclaims any responsibility for registering with those brokers The choice of broker stays your responsibili ty If you have doubts or suspicions about any affiliate broker, please keep Quantum Binary Signals notified. TRADEMARKS you agree that we cannot guarantee the proper operation of your settings No system exists that could assure you that transactions on the market should bring you great benefits, nor is it possible to guarantee, that your transactions will yield favorable results The risk information presented here does not reflect all of the risks as well as other important aspects intrinsic to the market Therefore, before starting to trade, you should learn the specifics of trading on markets in detail. Quantum Binary Signals PLATFORM The Quantum Binary Signals trading platform named Auto Trader is a trade copying software which receive trading signals from an proprietary algorithm developed by Quantum Binary Signals Once the signal is received, the Quantum Binary Signals uses the client s account settings and preferences to take the trading position on the client s broker Quantum Binar y Signals is not responsible for any incidents that may happen during this process This includes, but is not limited to, incorrect trading positions or amounts. RISK OF LOSS The risk of loss in trading can be substantial You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition When trading on margin, you may sustain a total loss of the initial margin funds and any additional funds that you deposit with your broker to establish or maintain a position in the market Before deciding to trade and or invest, you should carefully consider your objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not trade or invest money that you cannot afford to lose. By viewing this application and taking trades based off of provided signals or auto-trading on the Quantum Binary Signals trading platform, you fully understand and agre e that the markets are subject to numerous implicit and explicit risks, none of which Quantum Binary Signals can control or influence You therefore acknowledge and agree that all trading is solely at your own risk You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading and you should seek advice from an independent financial advisor before trading. You also agree to bear complete responsibility for your choice of signal provider s and acknowledge that Quantum Binary Signals has not and will not make any specific recommendations to you upon which you are entitled to rely You also understand that the information disseminated on this application represents impersonal, disinterested opinions and commentary of Quantum Binary Signals and its employees, agents, and affiliates but that the information does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to trade using any specific signal provider. THIRD PARTY SIGNAL PROVIDERS Quantum Binary Signals makes no guarantee, implied or otherw ise, as to the information provided to clients by third party signal providers, or through their respective websites As such, use of these third party signal providers is at the client s own risk You acknowledge and agree that Quantum Binary Signals is not responsible for any shortcomings, trading system errors, charging or billing errors, misrepresentations, or any wrongdoing on the part of said third party signal provider s or Quantum Binary Signals. The returns for signal providers listed throughout this application are hypothetical in that they represent returns in a model account The model account may rise or fall by the exact single contract profit and loss achieved by clients trading actual money pursuant to the listed system s trading signals on the appropriate dates, or if no actual client profit or loss is available, by the hypothetical single contract profit and loss of trades generated by the system s trading signals over the test period The hypothetical model account begins with the initial capital level listed, and is reset to that amount each month The percentage returns reflect inclusion of commissions, spreads, interest, fees, and the cost of the system The commission, spread, interest and fee costs included in the calculations varies per system. The actual percentage gains losses experienced by clients will vary depending on many factors, including, but not limited to starting account balances, market behavior, the investor s account settings, and the performance of the signal provider Because of this, actual percentage gains losses experienced by investors may be materially different than the percentage gains losses as presented on this website. You understand that there can be no guarantee that your use of the signal providers or the information disseminated on this application will result in profits Further, you understand that your use of the signal providers or the information disseminated on this application may result in substantial losses. PLEA SE READ CAREFULLY THE DISCLAIMER REGARDING HYPOTHETICAL RESULTS BELOW HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS IS THAT THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK, AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK OF ACTUAL TRADING FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MAR KETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT TRADING RESULTS. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this application is accurate and complete, but neither Quantum Binary Signals nor our officers, principals, employees or agents shall be liable to any person for any losses, damages, costs or expenses including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any errors in, omissions of or alterations to the information The foregoing shall apply regardless of whether a claim arises in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability otherwise. Any specific investment or investment service contained or referred to in this application may not be suitable for all clients You should not rely on any of the information as a substitute for the exercise of y our own skill and judgment in making such a decision on the appropriateness of such investments. Performance Statistics Quantum Binary Signals has not undertaken to verify the completeness or accuracy of any of the information and statistics provided by third parties While the information and statistics given are believed to be complete and accurate, we cannot guarantee their completeness or accuracy As a term and condition of your use of this website, you expressly hold Quantum Binary Signals harmless and waive any claim you have or may have as a result of any of the information and statistics provided by third parties contained on this website being incomplete or inaccurate. Past performance posted by Signal and Systems Providers Providers , is not necessarily indicative of future results No representation is made that any account is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and th e actual results subsequently achieved by any particularly trading program. The composite monthly results are primarily hypothetical results of the master demo and its representation of the Providers, though performance results displayed may represent a combination of live and hypothetical results and are not exclusive to either There are numerous other factors related to markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program that cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results There is no guarantee that one applying these methodologies would have the same results as the hypothetically posted Since trading successfully depends on many elements including but not limited to a trading methodology and a trader s own psychology, Quantum Binary Signals does not make any representation whatsoever that the signals and trades provided to you by the Third Party Signal Providers m ight be or are suitable or that they would be profitable for you. Please realize the risk with any investment and consult investment professionals before proceeding Should you decide to trade any or all of these systems signals, it is your decision. ONLINE TRADING RISKS There are risks associated with utilizing an Internet-based trading services including, but not limited to, hardware, software or Internet connection Since Quantum Binary Signals does not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your hardware or software, or reliability of your Internet connection, you agree that you are solely responsible for such failures, including communication failures, disruptions, distortions and delays in trading. Volatility or liquidity in the markets may prevent orders from being executed at advantageous prices, or at all Quantum Binary Signals shall not be liable to any person for any losses, damages, costs or expenses including, but not limited to, loss of p rofits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages occurring because trades cannot be executed due to market conditions, or from any errors of your dealer. Quantum Binary Signals recommends that clients should be cautious when they use an iPhone, Blackberry or other handheld mobile device for trading or receiving data from the Quantum Binary Signals platform Handheld mobile devices depend on wireless connectivity, are subject to the limitations of 3G, Wi-Fi and GPRS networks restrictions, and may not provide the investor with the same functions as accessing the Quantum Binary Signals platform from a web browser Quantum Binary Signals shall not be liable to any person for any losses, damages, costs or expenses including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the client s use of a handheld mobile device. REFUND POLICY. Due to the nature of providing auto trading service to clients, Quant um Binary Signals does not offer refunds and does NOT cover potential losses on the client s binary options account s. FOREX this includes education material, signals, price quotes and charts, and analysis Please be aware of the risks associated with trading the financial markets never invest more money than you can risk losing The risks involved in trading binary options are high and may not be suitable for all investors Quantum Binary Signals doesn t retain responsibility for any trading losses you might face as a result of using the data hosted on this application The data and quotes contained in this website are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers So prices may be different from exchange prices and may not be accurate to real time trading prices They are supplied as a guide to trading rather than for trading purposes. Financial trading using Binary Options is an excellent way in which you can profit from the movements in financial markets on a wide range of assets. H owever as with any form of financial investment there are associated risks While your liability on your binary options account is limited, you can still face a total loss of capital if you don t manage money in your trading account correctly and observe best practices to control your risks. As with any form of financial investment you are advised to familiarize yourself with all of the risks involved prior to trading If you are unsure as to the suitability of trading with binary options it is recommend that you refrain from doing so and seek independent financial advice before making use of any of the material found on this application. While all information on this application aims to be as accurate as possible, it does not constitute direct investment advice Furthermore we will not be held liable for any outcomes, positive or otherwise from use of information published on this application The information provided by your intermediary must be clear and understandable To avoid setbacks, remember the saying Never invest in anything you don t understand. It is the Client s responsibility to verify that all Transactions and Services received by him are not contradictory to any applicable law and to undertake any other legal duty emanating from the use of the Site Client holds sole liability for all Transactions in his Account The Client is responsible for securing his Username and Password for his Account The Client hold sole responsibility for any damage caused due to any act or omission of the Client causing inappropriate or aberrant use of his Account. It is manifestly stated and agreed by the Client that the Client bears sole responsibility for any decision made and or to be made by the Client relying on the content of the Site and no claim and or suit of any kind will arise to that effect against Quantum Binary Signals and or its directors and or employees and or functionaries and or agents the Company and or its Agents and or beneficiary owners The Company and or its Agents will hold no responsibility for loss of profits due to and or related to the Site, Transactions carried out by the Client, Services and the Terms of Use or any other damages, including special damages and or indirect damages or circumstantial damages caused, except in the event of malicious acts made by the Company. Without limitation of the aforesaid and only in the event of peremptory judgment by court or other authorized legal institution adjudicating that the Company and or its Agents hold liability towards the Client or third party, the Company s liability, in any event, will be limited to the amount of money first deposited and or transferred by the Client to the Account in respect of the Transaction which caused the liability of the Company and or its Agents if such was caused. SEVERABILITY Should any part or provision of this Agreement be held unenforceable or in conflict with the applicable law of any jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected there by.

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