Sunday 27 August 2017

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Im Gegenzug steigt das Gewicht der US-Konzerne an den Weltbrsen Derzeit stammen 57 Unternehmen im Top-100-peringkat aus Nordamerika, vor einem Jahr lag ihr Anteil bei 55 Prozent Danach folgt der US-Technologiekonzern Microsoft mit einem Brsenwert von derzeit 389 Milliarden US - Dollar das sind 12 Prozent weniger als zum Jahresende 2015 Schweiz Brsenwert Volatilitas Berita Forex Diese Statistik zeigt den Brsenwert der Top 100 brsennotierten SMI-und SMIM-Unternehmen in der Schweiz im Jahr 2013 Im Jahr 2013 keyakinan sich der Schweizer Konzerne haben Pltze eingebsst Das teuerste Schweizer Unternehmen ist Nestl, das gleichzeitig auch das hchst bewertete europische Unternehmen ist Der Nahrungsmittelkonzern belegt mit einem Brsenwert von rund 225 Milliarden US-Dollar den 14 Roche folgt mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 214 Milliarden US-Dollar auf Rang 19, whrend Novartis den 29 Whrend die Marktkapitalisierung der 100 hchstbewerteten Unternehmen der Welt im Lauf des ersten Halbjahres nur um zwei Prozent schrumpfte, verzeichneten die drei Schweizer Unternehmen einen Einbruch um gut acht Prozent Gemss einer aktuellen EY-Studie kommen die zehn wertvollsten Konzerne weiterhin aus den USA Neu haben nur noch 23 der 100 teuersten Unternehmen weltweit ihren Sitz di Europa das sind sechs weniger als vor einem Jahr Aktuell haben nur noch 23 der 100 wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt ihren Hauptsitz di Europa Mitte 2015 jam esai 28 Juni dem Tag vor dem Volksentscheid in Grossbritannien um knapp 340 Milliarden US-Dollar von 15,6 auf 15,2 Miliar Dolar AS Viel Beachteter Analis sieht die beliebteste Schweizer Aktie noch einmal krftig Mit anderen Worten Obschon sich der Brsenwert von Leonteq in den Schweiz Brsenwert Margin Call Di Forex Charts Juli 2014 Ihren kumulierten Brsenwert konnten die Schweizer Unternehmen in den Top 300 in den vergangenen Monaten allerdings kaum noch Juni 2016 Der Brsenwert der drei Schweizer Unternehmen Nestl, Novartis und Roche schrumpfte um rund 7,7 Mill Iarden US-Dollar, wie mati aktuelle Der Gesamtwert der US-Konzerne liegt derzeit bei 9,7 Miliar Dolar AS und damit mehr als dreimal jadi hoch wie der Wert der europischen Konzerne im Top-100-Peringkat, mati zusammen nur 2,7 Miliaran dolar AS dolar AS sindikat Gemss Stefan Rsch-Rtsche verkauft sich Europa derzeit unter Wert Diese Statistik zeigt den Brsenwert der Top 100 brsennotierten SMI-und SMIM-Unternehmen in der Schweiz im Jahr 2013 Im Jahr 2013 keyakinan sich der Die zehn wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt Haben alle ihren Sitz in den Vereinigten Staaten und der teuerste Konzern der Welt bleibt Apple Der Brsenwert des i Phone-Herstellers ist zwar seit Anfang des Jahres um rund 74 Milliarden US-Dollar bzw Das Unternehmen bleibt aber mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 513 Milliarden Dolar AS Die weltweite Nummer Eins vor dem Google-Mutterkonzern Alphabet, dessen Brsenwert im Lauf des vergangen Halbjahrs ebenfalls deutlich um 11 Prozent gesunken ist und aktuell 471 Milliarden US-Dollar entspri Cht. Im Lnderranking behauptet sich die Schweiz auf dem siebten Platz hinter den Amerika Serikat, China, Grossbritannien, Japan, Frankreich und Deutschland Schweiz Brsenwert Wir erleben einen strongen Konjunkturaufschwung, sinkende Arbeitslosigkeit und eine insgesamt gute Opsi Perdagangan Binary Umsatz-und Is Binary Juli 2014 Ihren kumulierten Brsenwert konnten die Schweizer Unternehmen in den Top 300 in den vergangenen Monaten allerdings kaum noch Dez 2015 Apple erreichte 2015 zwischenzeitlich einen Brsenwert von ber 700 Mrd Die ersten Schweizer Titel folgen auf Platz 13 bis Platz 15 Dort Emini Forex Trader Diese Statistik zeigt den Brsenwert der Top 100 brsennotierten SMI-und SMIM-Unternehmen in der Schweiz im Jahr 2013 Im Jahr 2013 keyakinan sich der Dominanz der US-Konzerne nimmt weiter zu Der Brsenwert der US-Konzerne entwickelt sich deutlich besser als der der europischen Konkurrenz Whrend 58 Prozent der aktuell in den Top 100 gelisteten nordamerikanischen Konzerne ihren Brsenwert seit Jahresbeginn st Eigern konnten, gelang dies nur 35 Prozent der europischen Top-Konzerne. Auch die Schweiz verliert drei Unternehmen in den Top 100 und ist aktuell noch mit acht Konzernen vertreten Juni 2016 Die Marktturbulenzen nach der Brexit-Abstimmung haben auch im Peringkat der wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt Spursen hinterlassen Jadi turunkan der Gesamtwert der 100 teuersten Unternehmen der Welt seit 22 Der Brsenwert der drei Schweizer Unternehmen Nestl, Novartis und Roche schrumpfte um rund 7,7 Milliarden US-Dollar, wie die aktuelle Menganalisis der Wirtschaftsprfungs - und Beratungsgesellschaft EY zur Marktkapitalisierung der 100 bzw Schweiz Brsenwert Indeks Harga Bursa Efek Spanyol 300 am hchsten bewerteten Unternehmen weltweit ergab Schweiz Brsenwert Gemessen an der Gesamtmarktkapitalisierung belegt die Schweiz im Top-100 Peringkat weiterhin den vierten Platz Febr 2016 Der Brsenwert der Alphabet-Aktien kletterte auf 562 Mrd Neues Brogebude fr Schweizer GrossbankUBS zieht di London zur Unzeit um Falls mati Britische Wirtschaft leiden sollte, wird sich meninggal auch auf die Schweiz auswirken Einige Schweizer Konzerne, vor allem im Finanzsektor, verloren stark a Brsenwert UBS sank im Peringkat gegenber Jahresende 2015 von Rang 105 auf 184, fr die Zurich ging es um 17 Pltze nach unten von Rang 252 auf 269.Apple, Alphabet Google dan Microsoft verlieren a Wert sie bleiben aber die teuersten Unternehmen der Welt Schweiz Brsenwert Trotzdem sinken die Aktienkurse derzeit bei vielen europischen Oscillators optoelektronik Forex Stefan Rsch-Rtsche, Partner und Leiter Transaktionsdienstleistungen bei EY Schweiz fhrt den starken Wertverlust der Schweizer Konzerne auf ihren hohen Internationalisierungsgrad zurck Die grossen SMI-Konzerne erwirtschaften im Schnitt um die 90 Prozent ihres Umsatzes im Ausland und sind damit abhngig von einem freien Welthandel und einem Fortschreiten der Globalisierung Der Brexit knnte nun eine entgegengesetzte Entwicklung einluten, frchtet Rsch - Rtsche Neue Grenzen innerhalb Europas, Protektionisme dan Abschottung wren fr mati Schweiz und die wirtschaftliche Ttigkeit ihrer Top-Konzerne schdlich Fr die Schweizer Wirtschaft stehe aktuell viel auf dem Spiel, betont Rsch-Rtsche Grossbritannien ist ein wichtiger Abnehmer von Schweizer Produkten und Dienstleistungen Pour Gagner Forex Sans Investissement From Home Au Sngal Dass Investoren skeptisch auf den Kontinent blicken, sei angesichts der Vielzahl a Negativ-Schlagzeilen ob Brexit, Griechenland-, Schuldenderder Flchtlingskrise allerdings kaum erstaunlich, jadi Rsch-Rtsche. 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Keinginan menjadi lebih nyaman. Ent tho itu mahal juga Apakah kita punya pilihan. Ini adalah hari Minggu untuk bersama keluarga. Akhir pekan yang bagus di depan. Kamis, 28 Maret 2013.KLCI adalah lari banteng yang mencapai 1670 sekarang, berlangsung 4 hari yang luar biasa dan kita berbicara tentang 1700 soon. Days kembali, saya membaca dengan minat seseorang yang ditulis tentang Needs vs Wants dan sedang berpikir dalam konteks pribadi saya sendiri. Ini foto saya dan saya buat kerja ini ke saya bekerja sebagai pensyarah di Limkokwing University 2000-2002 semasa kirimu sekala ke kampung Selepas itu, ayah saya pun dah tak larat dan pilih upah untuk orang lain Saya pernah miskin juga, semasa gaji saya RM2300 sebagai pensyarah ratu sekerja dah ada yang beli mobil Honda dengan cicilan RM1000 lebih Saya cuma beli Kancil EX660 dengan cicilan RM361 bulan Saya sedar Saya ada keluarga miskin yang adik-adiknya bisa masuk sekolah dan masuk universiti, maka secara langsung saya terdidik untuk korban kemahuan sendiri dan hanya mengutamakan keperluan Greed Vs Need. Mari saya tanyakan rasi Onal mendidik nafsu diri Kaya kita bukan kerana kita banyak duit gan kerana kita CUKUP Pikir 100k sebulan jika nafsunya RM200k tetap kita jadi sangat miskin lagi. Maka kuncinya lah nafsu yang perlu didik Kita jarang sedar tujuan kereta yang hebat itu anda gunakan bukan untuk anda gunakannya sebagai Mobil gamer kepuasan nafsu diri lipat orang melihat anda hebat kerana memilikinya sama juga isu macam orang kaya kahwin artis, bolehlah rasa tumbuhnya berkokok bak ayam jantan jalan juga sudah jadi mendabik dada Adakah kita beli kereta untuk diri kita atau untuk melihat orang lain. Itulah nafsu sebenarnya Saya sering berpesan dalam siri ceramah saya, jika anda mampu membeli BMW cukuplah hanya dengan Proton Waja, Jika mampukan Ferrari cukuplah hanya anda beli Mercedes. Saya setuju kalau nak turunkan harga kereta Woww siapa yang taknak kan Tapi jika nafsu tidak dididik, harini anda ganti bayar RM1000 untuk sebuah mobil keluarga, nanti jika harga dah turun, berapa ramaikah Antara anda yang akan beli kereta pada harga bayaran bulanan RM500 Atau anda akan meng-upgrade kereta anda dan kekalkan bayaran balik RM1000 sebulan. Soal harga kereta boleh turun saya yakin ada pihak dah buat kajian tentangnya Itu kita serah pada mereka, pasti mereka bijak dalam hubungan itu Sekarang soalnya pada diri kita sendiri BAGAIMANA. SAIFUL NANG Orang Fakir. ps BERBAGI jika rasa berfaedah. Seperti saya bukan pecinta mobil tapi lebih memilih sepeda Saya tidak khawatir mengendarai mobil murah Bahkan sekarang, saya masih mengendarai tangan kedua saya. Kap-chai Saya melihat mobil sebagai moda transportasi, untuk membawa saya dari titik A ke titik B, dengan selamat Jika saya bisa, saya akan mengirimkan Kancil dari Sabah, tapi saat kedua anak saya tumbuh, KEBUTUHAN memiliki mobil yang lebih besar adalah Di sana dan saya membeli Proton dasar saya 3 tahun yang lalu Mengambil pinjaman 4 tahun, membayar RM600 per bulan untuk mobil itu adalah barang pembelian barang yang berat. Selain transportasi, kebanyakan dari kita harus membayar pinjaman perumahan bulanan atau sewa dan makanan. Ini adalah yang paling banyak Dasar kebutuhan kita. Mari kita Berdiskusi tentang transportasi Ketika saya membeli sebuah tempat yang dekat dengan kantor saya sekitar 5km, saya melakukan perjalanan dengan sepeda, mengalahkan selai dan juga mode transportasi yang jauh lebih murah Semakin banyak orang memilih naik sepeda untuk bekerja karena kerumitan kemacetan, Parkings, biaya tol dan bensin Tapi risikonya ada karena jalan kita tidak benar-benar ramah sepeda. Jika bisa, saya ingin bersepeda ke kantor, tapi itu seperti mengundang bahaya bagi kehidupan kita setiap hari kecuali sistem transportasi kita di Klang Valley buruk sehingga bus dan komuter tidak dapat dijangkau di banyak daerah, LRT tidak murah, Driving pun tetap menjadi pilihan terbaik bagi banyak dari kita, yang tidak ingin mengambil risiko mengendarai sepeda. Menganggap pendapatan rata-rata kita adalah RM4000 dan untuk mengendarai mobil yang lebih baik daripada Proton mungkin menghabiskan biaya lebih dari RM1k dengan mudah. ​​Jadi, kita perlu memikirkan tol yang harganya RM100 per bulan, dengan parkir di mal atau tempat Bensin adalah sekitar RM200 untuk saya. Jadi, untuk Saya yang disebut mobil murahan seharga RM1000 per bulan Mereka yang mengemudi sebagai O-disebut mobil impor yang lebih baik perlu batuk lebih banyak Dan jika Anda perlu melakukan perjalanan lebih jauh daripada ke kantor, setiap hari mengemudi membutuhkan WAKTU dan UANG Kami tidak pernah murah untuk mengemudikan mobil di Klang Valley. Sekarang saat mengendarai mobil. Adalah neccesity, beberapa lebih memilih untuk membeli mobil yang lebih mahal dengan baik, lebih banyak untuk mengisi wajah ego mereka tapi mereka yang berpikiran finansial akan berpikir dua kali sebelum membayar lebih untuk mobil yang lebih baik. Jika gaji kita hanya RM4, kita tidak bisa membeli lebih dari RM50k mobil. Itu adalah pendapat saya dan saya bisa mengatakan, saya hanya bisa membeli Proton dan merasa nyaman dengannya Ingat, mobil perlu dipelihara juga dengan air mata-n-aus Nah, itu selalu pilihan kita sendiri Beberapa orang tidak mengendarai mobil murah tapi beberapa Akan merasa malu untuk mengemudikan mobil murah bekas. Jika kita menghabiskan RM1k untuk mobil untuk keperluan transportasi, bukan untuk pamer, maka dengan gaji RM4k kita dibutuhkan 25 dari pendapatan kita Jika kita akan membayar 25 rumah lagi S angsuran kita hanya tersisa dengan RM2k untuk segala sesuatu Utilitas tagihan S Astro, Unifi, Handphone, Listrik, Air, Indah Air yang seperti Makanan dan kita dalam situasi yang ketat secara finansial Mencoba untuk menyelamatkan RM400 10 bisa menjadi sulit. Sama sekali semua orang merasa sejumput mengendarai mobil. Nah, saya tidak yakin apakah PKR Akan menurunkan harga mobil Jika tidak, kami sangat terbiasa tinggal bersamanya. Selesaikan surat-surat dari bank yang mengingatkan kita tentang angsuran kami tagihan utilitas berjangka waktu yang meremas sebagian karyawan under-paid kami, dengan Biaya hidup yang terus meningkat. Tinggal di bawah kemampuan kita menjadi sederhana dan tetap hemat Perlu bagi saya untuk dapat menghemat 10 bulanan, dan untuk menumbuhkan penghematan investasi kita. Saya mengontrak mobil 2 0 sebelumnya dan bagi saya untuk mengemudikan Honda Accord, misalnya saya harus bebas dari segi finansial tanpa khawatir dengan pendidikan anak-anak, tanpa harus bekerja keras untuk memenuhi harapan. Saya berharap pemerintah kita BN atau PKR bisa mempertimbangkan golongan braket berpenghasilan rendah rata-rata dan mengurangi harga mobil, Bensin atau menghapuskan tol yang bisa membantu kita E. Mengetahui apa itu saiful, kata-kata kasar orang Malaysia itu adalah sebuah kebutuhan, bukan keinginan. Saya membaca minggu ini The Edge pagi ini dan artikel ini layak dibaca. Nah, saya telah berubah menjadi buying Focus selama beberapa minggu terakhir, daripada The Tepi tapi artikel minggu ini terdengar menarik. Rasio hutang terhadap PDB Malaysia naik menjadi 80 5 tahun lalu dari 75 8 pada tahun sebelumnya, menjadikannya salah satu dari lima negara yang paling banyak terhutang di Asia Utang rumah tangga yang tinggi dapat menjadi ancaman utama bagi ekonomi jika hal itu terputus-putus, Kata ekonom. Dari Wiki Hutang rumah tangga didefinisikan sebagai jumlah uang yang dimiliki semua orang dewasa di rumah tangga berutang lembaga keuangan Ini mencakup hutang konsumen dan pinjaman hipotek Peningkatan yang signifikan pada tingkat hutang ini adalah penyebab krisis ekonomi AS dan Eropa dari 2007-2012 Beberapa ekonom berpendapat bahwa menurunkan hutang ini sangat penting untuk pemulihan ekonomi di AS dan negara-negara zona euro yang terpilih. BAGA sekarang Anda tahu mengapa banyak orang Malaysia merasa tidak nyaman, dengan tingkat hutang rumah tangga sekitar setengah dari pendapatan pembuangan kita berjalan Untuk melayani hutang Apa sajakah faktor yang mendorong rasio pendapatan pembuangan limbah rumah tangga yang tinggi - Pertumbuhan yang tinggi dalam pengeluaran berbasis konsumen - Tingkat suku bunga yang rendah mendorong pinjaman - Mengurangi kredit melalui perbankan di Stitutions karena liberalisasi keuangan yang diterjemahkan ke dalam keuntungan gemuk bagi bank - Menerapkan harga rumah terutama di KL dan Penang dimana rata-rata harga rumah terhadap rasio pendapatan rata-rata jauh lebih tinggi - dan tentu saja, upah berpenghasilan rendah. Jadi, apakah kita khawatir Kita semua harus Dengan anggaran DEFICIT 16 tahun, pemerintah kita membangkrutkan negara kita, dan sebagian besar orang Malaysia bahkan tidak mengetahuinya. BR1M menghela napas seperti hutang kita sendiri, tapi kita meminjam lebih banyak uang untuk diberikan kepada orang lain, untuk menyenangkan mereka dan Mendapatkan popularitas Seseorang tidak perlu menjadi ahli ekonomi untuk memahami dampaknya Sementara banyak orang Malaysia dengan gembira menerima uang gratis, banyak imigran-belokan-malaysia juga antri untuk mendapatkan uang gratis, yang diberikan dengan murah hati oleh pemerintah kita dengan baik, dengan alasan yang jelas PEMILIHAN. - ringkatan peringkat hutang Malaysia. Ini adalah klip tua tapi masih merupakan peringatan yang baik untuk SEMUA orang Malaysia Sulit karena kebanyakan orang Malaysia adalah orang bodoh. Awas, orang Malaysia. Paling banyak, jika tidak semua, dari kita ingin bahagia Di Kebahagiaan perbuatan adalah suatu komoditi Kita menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kita, keinginan kita dan untuk mengisi jiwa kita, dengan harapan bisa mencapai kebahagiaan Apa kebahagiaan itu? Ini adalah kata yang paling banyak digunakan selain uang dan ada banyak Kita di luar sana, mencari kebahagiaan, namun kita menyangkal bahwa kita sedang menyita untuk itu Faktanya adalah apakah kita bercanda. Seandainya aku melewati masa kanak-kanak yang tidak begitu mulus, aku selalu ingin bahagia, anak kecil biasa yang Tidak tahu apa kebahagiaan itu, tanpa bimbingan atau sharing Apakah mencetak pembedaan dalam ujian kebahagiaan Apakah memiliki banyak teman membawa kita kebahagiaan Apakah memiliki barang yang kita inginkan bisa membawa kita kebahagiaan Semua ini mencari sementara lebih dalam lagi kita semua tahu itu Dangkal. Jadi, seiring bertambahnya usia kita melihat berbagai hal dalam aspek yang berbeda, dari sudut pandang yang berbeda mungkin kita mencoba untuk mendefinisikan kembali kebahagiaan kita sendiri Bergegas ke dalam kehidupan melakukan apa yang sedang dilakukan orang lain dapat membawa kita kesenangan sementara tapi pada saat kita berada di dalam diri kita. Al Aku tahu itu memiliki ipad atau iphone baru, mungkin perjalanan ke tempat yang bagus atau saat-saat singkat bersama teman baik. Ini semua mengisi celah di dalam diri kita, hanya untuk beberapa saat. Aku hanya tahu beberapa dari orang-orang bahagia yang memiliki Tuhan di dalamnya Ya, saya percaya itu lebih abadi, bahkan yang tidak kita miliki banyak, sendirian di tempat kosong kita bahagia Jadi, jika memiliki Tuhan bersama kita bisa membawa kita perasaan kekal dicintai dan tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan kata-kata itu Adalah perasaan.1 Bebaskan hati kita dari kebencian Ini adalah sesuatu yang telah saya pelajari selama bertahun-tahun, tidak pernah menggunakan kebencian Katakan saja tidak suka atau tidak setuju Tidak apa-apa untuk tidak menyukai sesuatu atau seseorang yang tidak saya sukai yang saya tidak suka, saya paling banyak menerima Dari orang-orang seperti yang saya tahu betapa tidak sempurnanya saya dan kadang-kadang, jika saya menyinggung siapapun, saya tidak akan ragu untuk meminta maaf kepada saya, saat saya bertambah tua, saya telah berubah begitu jauh, lebih halus, melunakkan dan hmm Saya menginginkan kedamaian Cinta seperti kita Semua memahaminya secara subyektif, adalah sesuatu yang kita semua cari tapi sebagian besar waktu, kita fe El kita pantas lebih aku hanya bahagia seperti Tuhan mencintai saya dan memberi saya keluarga yang indah, mencintai dan dicintai Memaafkan orang lain memaafkan diri kita sendiri dan tidak pernah membenci.2 Bebaskan pikiran kita dari kekhawatiran Saya bukan tipe khawatir tapi menjadi manusia , Kita memiliki kekhawatiran kita sendiri Saya tidak terlalu khawatir tentang apa yang orang lain katakan atau lihat, saya tidak khawatir kehilangan uang di pasar, saya tidak terlalu memikirkan banyak hal di kantor, saya tidak khawatir harus makan apa, pakai Dll tapi kekhawatiran saya mungkin adalah keluarga saya, saya khawatir kesehatan saya karena saya bekerja terlalu keras, kurang istirahat dan masih mengenakan pajak dengan banyak pekerjaan, tugas, tanggung jawab dan saya tidak memikirkan anak-anak muda saya, jika mereka Akan menjadi tanpa saya Jadi, saya mempersiapkan masa depan mereka, memastikan mereka memiliki cukup banyak neccesities yang dibutuhkan Saya juga membimbing istri saya untuk mengelola keuangan keluarga Ya, kekhawatiran saya terkait dengan manusia yang paling dekat dengan hati saya Tidak ada masalah Jadi, tidak usah khawatir lagi. Hiduplah dengan sederhana Oh iya saya rasa saya orang yang bahagia seperti saya saat saya ms Uch orang yang sederhana saya tidak khusus tentang banyak hal, kecuali makanan tertentu yang tidak saya konsumsi seperti vege.4 Beri lebih banyak hal penting untuk diberikan dengan murah hati dalam pengertian saya, ini adalah sharing pengetahuan Ya, pengetahuan menjadi sangat mahal seperti Itu bisa membantu kita membuat keputusan.5 Mengharapkan kurang Selalu menurunkan harapan Anda dan kita akan terkejut bahwa kita bisa sangat bahagia saat kita melebihi harapan kita. Selamat hari bahagia. Bawa saya ke sungai tikungan Bawa saya ke tempat Pertarungan akhir Cuci racun dari kulitku Tunjukkan padaku bagaimana untuk menjadi utuh lagi. Ikutlah aku di atas sayap perak Melewati hitam di mana sirene menyanyikan hangatku dalam cahaya nova Dan mengantarku turun ke mimpi di bawah ini. Karena aku hanya ada celah di kastil kaca ini Hampir tidak ada yang bisa Anda lihat Agar Anda lihat. Membawa saya pulang dalam mimpi yang menyilaukan, Melalui rahasia yang telah saya lihat Cuci kesedihan dari kulit saya Dan tunjukkan bagaimana caranya Jadilah utuh lagi Karena saya hanya ada celah di kastil kaca ini Hampir tidak ada yang bisa Anda lihat Agar Anda dapat melihatnya. Karena saya hanya ada celah di kastil kaca ini Hampir tidak ada hal lain yang perlu saya Sebabkan saya hanya ada celah di kastil kaca ini Hampir tidak ada sesuatu yang dapat Anda lihat Agar Anda dapat melihat Agar Anda dapat melihatnya. Oleh Linkin Park berulang kali Happy Birthday, Chester. Wednesday, 20 Maret 2013. Tidak ada kelas yang akan dikurangi setengahnya dan seterusnya selama dua minggu, di mana saya harus melakukan ton dokumen seperti menandai Ujian dimulai. KLCI rebound 4 poin kemarin Tapi kita masih melihat level 1600 segera, daripada tahun 1700. Pikiran saya tidak diatur untuk menulis terlalu banyak hal yang berkerumun di lantai atas Haha. Saya hanya perlu keluar dengan daftar belanja daftar 50cents, daftar RM1 dan daftar RM2 Mungkin, Daftar saham 20-30cents too. Time untuk bersama anak-anak hari ini saya di hari libur setengah hari. Hari ini baru selesai jam kelas dan beristirahat selama satu jam sebelum tratles kita-pertemuan Tidak banyak yang hadir dalam rapat sekarang karena banyak yang absen. Dan menunggu pemilihan Nah, kapan akan terjadi kelalaian Dulu yang lalu, ketika Najib dilaporkan keluar dari Istana, pasar mulai menunjukkan rasa takut dan kelemahan. Jadi, saya pergi ke FKLI pendek pada hari itu sebagai dukungan 1650 yang telah saya capai pada semua orang pada hari Selasa bahwa KLCI sedang menunggu untuk bergerak lebih rendah. Analisis e-saham Senin, saya menunjukkan kepada kelompok bahwa sektor properti dan konstruksi menunjukkan overbought dan tanda-tanda pembalikan Pada Rabu malam, dalam pertemuan e, indeks perkebunan menunjukkan pembalikan juga indeks keuangan mendukung KLCI yang dimanipulasi ketika PBBank turun, Dukungan untuk KLCI rusak. Dalam 10 menit terakhir, seperti yang ditunjukkan berkali-kali KLCI memiliki KLCI sell-down yang ditutup lebih rendah dari 20MA, pada level 1627 sekarang Grafik teknis KLCI tidak baik jika kita melihat 1600 lagi. Jadi, kita dalam pandangan bearish lagi. Rebound tidak berkelanjutan, maka dilaporkan bahwa beberapa dana asing menggigit saham KLSE kita. Jika dana tersebut benar-benar berasal dari luar negeri dianalisis di The Edge. XinQuan Sold all at 0 89 Kemarin tapi itu Ditembak sampai 0 91 sebelum retracing saya meraih pada 0 81 dan beberapa hari yang lalu dan diposting di kelompok menonton saham saya Tidak ada yang mengatakan kepada saya bahwa mereka mengikuti perdagangan karena saya menunjukkan risiko Mayoritas pengecer dilapisi sisi. Digi Satu-satunya saham Saya gagal untuk menghapus keuntungan karena saya telah menjual semua saham yang saya beli sekitar 3 minggu yang lalu, bermain pada rebound singkat dengan keuntungan Jadi, saya memiliki kerugian kertas di DiGi sekarang Will harus memotong-rugi karena telah menembus 4 55 Dukungan. Untuk menjadi investor yang baik atau trader, dibutuhkan TIME Entri pemula yang lengkap adalah untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan yang merupakan kursus tratles-trading saya untuk para pemula, mempelajari persyaratan dan mengumpulkan pengetahuan FA dan TA banyak istilah yang perlu kita Saya sudah mencapai tingkat rata-rata investor sekarang, setelah 5 tahun di pasar Jadi, saya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2-3 tahun untuk mempelajari persyaratan, strategi, persiapan, dan lain-lain 2-3 tahun sekarang pengalaman dalam trading. Berinvestasi Menurut pendapat saya, seseorang akan bisa naik level yang lain untuk menjadi trader yang baik Investor setelah sekitar 8-10 tahun melakukan dua tahap yang lebih rendah Pengalaman Pengetahuan Jadi, dengan kata lain kita perlu bertahun-tahun untuk memahami bagaimana segala sesuatu berjalan. Dan semakin kita tahu, semakin kita tidak tahu, sebenarnya Subyek terlalu besar yang kita butuhkan. Untuk fokus pada apa yang kita ketahui, dan bergerak dari sana Fokus dan menjadi persisten. Ini akan membawa saya 3-5 tahun lagi untuk dianggap sebagai trader yang baik dan pelatih yang baik juga. Saat ini, saya memiliki kohort-9 saya, Dan akan beristirahat sebelum memulai kohort-10, jika masih ada permintaan dari saya untuk membagikan beberapa pengetahuan. Secara keseluruhan, kita membutuhkan 10 tahun untuk menjadi investor yang baik. Kita juga mengasumsikan bahwa seseorang terus belajar dan mengambil kerugian dengan anggun, untuk mengidentifikasi Kesalahan yang mengoreksi mereka dan terus maju Tidak banyak yang akan memiliki tekad dan atau keinginan. Dibutuhkan disiplin untuk mencapai tujuan yang kuat dan tentunya membutuhkan banyak waktu Semakin banyak kita berbagi dengan orang lain, kita bisa mempelajari detail-detail periset yang lebih baik. Peritel profesional yang berdagang basis Tentang rumor, atau bacaan dari beberapa saya Koran, majalah, forum akan menjadi pecundang, sebagian besar waktu Memahami bagaimana media ini digunakan untuk menjebak pengecer juga sangat penting. Tanpa pengetahuan dan pengalaman, kita tidak akan pernah bisa bertahan lama di pasar karena ini adalah kelangsungan hidup Dari yang terkuat Ini adalah permainan zero-sum seseorang yang menang, seseorang harus kehilangan Sebagian besar manajer dana akan mendapatkan bonus gemuk, sementara pengecer di pasar akan memberi makan para manajer dana ini, manipulator, orang dalam, sindikat di mana kita kehilangan Uang pergi. Saya akan mencoba untuk menemukan beberapa waktu untuk membaca artikel minggu ini. Aku terlalu sibuk untuk mengikuti banyak berita mungkin itu berita yang terkait dengan pasar atau berita umum Setiap hari, saya memiliki rata-rata sekitar 6-8 jam kelas Kemudian, Di malam hari saya memiliki e-meeting Minggu depan ujian dimulai Saya akan terbebas dari beberapa kelas tapi tanda gila akan dimulai Saya akan mengunci diri saya di sini, mendaftar ke lagu-lagu yang menonton KLCI sambil menandai Ini akan menjadi satu minggu penuh untuk mengisolasi diri saya sendiri. Kantor saya perlu menyelesaikannya dan pergi untuk a Istirahat pendek. Sepang Gold-Coast ini memiliki tawaran yang bagus dan akan menginap semalam di sana, untuk istirahat sejenak bersama keluarga. Philea-SPA Pergi ke Malaka lagi dan ini akan menjadi tempat yang bagus. Wat Wat sedang pergi terbaru. Pertarungan sudah berakhir. PI Bala Lulus kemarin Serangan jantung, saya dengar. Waktu untuk membaca lebih sedikit dan beristirahat dengan baik. Semoga akhir pekan yang menyenangkan. Hari Sabtu di menit-menit terakhir, KLCI mendorong dan menutup 4 poin positif FGV yang Menarik, Tenaga Maybank menjadi KLCI yang digunakan terdiri dari 30 loket, jadi lebih mudah untuk didorong --- naik atau turun Secara teknis, ini bertahan di atas 1650, membuatnya pulih dari dukungan ini dan kami mengharapkannya untuk mencapai level 1665 sekarang FKLI ditutup pada 1664 Kemarin, menyusul lonjakan menit terakhir Mereka yang pendek FKLI harus menutup posisi mereka Pemilu sudah mendekati apa yang disebut pre-election di tempat analisis lebih banyak, jika saya punya waktu untuk berbagi akan ditulis di situs baru saya yang tenang akan sangat sibuk. Selama 2 minggu atau lebih karena ujian coba yang akan datang dll. Elec Sampai hari ini, semua orang membicarakannya dan kali ini mereka mengatakan pemilihan pasti pada bulan April Heck spekulasi yang tidak perlu ini, memberi pasar kegelisahan dan perdagangan harus singkat. Lahad Datu Bagaimana situasinya sekarang. Properti Akhir pekan lalu, Sunway Piramida sedang mengadakan pameran properti mini yang saya tanyakan tentang sebuah proyek, oleh Andaman di mana mereka menjamin Anda sewa selama 10 tahun Wow itu bagus, tidak perlu khawatir jika kita bisa menyewakan unit atau mengumpulkan rental Jadi apa yang dimaksud dengan Untuk mulai dengan itu, OVER-priced RM300-400 per sqft dan kualitas akhir yang lebih rendah finishing tidak sebanding dengan jumlah, dan jika kita akan menjualnya lain kali setelah 10 tahun mungkin tidak menghargai sebanyak mungkin, atau mungkin memiliki Untuk menjual harga jauh lebih rendah saya pergi ke Serdang untuk melihat-lihat. Proyek serupa lainnya yang mereka jalani 3 unit tersisa adalah kondominium Akademi South City. Apartemen ini lebih mirip flat atau apartemen daripada kondominium RM300k-RM500k. Dan Kota Selatan yang besar Plaza hampir kosong Minggu yang lalu, ada peluncuran lembut di arena bowling, dan berpikir untuk ikut bergabung dalam haha. Bagaimanapun, kekosongan mal besar memberi kita perasaan yang sama saat kita selalu mengunjungi Summit Mall di USJ1, mereka membaik sejak CapitalMall mengambil alih, Sebenarnya, bagaimana bank menghitung berapa banyak pinjaman yang bisa mereka berikan Sebagai properti ketiga, kita hanya bisa mengambil 70 pinjaman Dengan asumsi unit RM300k, kita harus keluar dengan uang RM90k sebagai deposit, atau kita dapat menggunakan akun EPF kedua kita. If our salary is an average RM5k, 80 of that is RM4k loans allowed Well, are we eligible for the loans. Dental Yesterday I went for my 4th visitation Terrible spent another 300 bucks to mend some decaying teeth Well, lack of oral hygiene and time to pay the prices. Girl It has been a week now since my little girl knocked her head was in kinder and the bruised was quiet serious My wife sent her to second doc for check-up yesterday It is pain to see our little ones in such situation But, I am not angry with th e kinder accidents happen We could only take pre-caution and reminding the teachers that she is not so normal having learning disabilities and quite active in nature Still thinking that a normal school would be better for her, or else home schooling rather than sending her to OKU s special school. Many more things I wanted to write about but these few things hanging in my head. More classes the whole day week and with e-meetings still on at nights, I am tired. Got to run again and don t know when I could be back again. AW Do you know that Malaysia has 520 billion Ringgit of debts. Do you also know that the Malaysian Govt guarantees Govt-Linked Companies GLCs another 116 Billion Ringgit for the loans taken by these GLCs. That would come to 636 Billion Ringgit in total debts the UMNO-BN govt has to bear which means the rakyat has to pay in the years to come. That would also mean the total debts had exceed the 1969 legislation of the nation s debt cannot exceed 55 of our GDP World bank report sa ys Malaysia is one of the richest countries in the world in the past but with Malaysia now behind our former competitors namely South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and China, where is our destiny in the future. Do you also know that after BR1M 2 0, the BN govt had spent RM4billion which is also on borrowed funds These were distributed to the rakyat in the following segment. a 40 of the rakyat earning less than RM1,500 per month. b 58 of the rakyat earning less than RM3,000 per monthposition of Household Debt. The biggest portion of the Malaysian household debt goes to paying off housing loans followed by passenger car loans, personal use, securities purchase, and credit cards. Malaysians take on increasing amount of housing loans because of rising house prices, low or negative interest rates, and speculative activities Banks and other financial institutions have encouraged borrowing by offering low down-payment, some as low as 5 of the value of the property, while developers provide ma rketing incentives in the form of payment of certain transaction costs and interest - free financing during the construction period. There are strong indicators to suggest that house prices and ability to service housing loans have been overstretched in Malaysia A ratio of house price to household income of 3 to 4 times is internationally acceptable but this ratio has risen to over 6 times and over 8 times in Kuala Lumpur and Penang island respectively. Next to housing loans, car loans form the second largest category of household loans This is due to Malaysia s misguided national car policy encouraging car ownership, to support Proton at the expense of a good public transport system As a result, ordinary Malaysians are burdened with significant car loans that consume a large part of their income In fact, car loans are stretched over a long period to enable borrowers to pay off their loans, such that the cars become obsolete no sooner when the loans are fully repaid. So we have few credit - cards and using money beyond our means And our inflation rate is 5 or are they claiming it to be 2.We are in trouble if we still think that we are rich and we could afford many more things. Time to be prudent Be frugal Be wise financially. For information purposes.1 The Cafe Scams - Island Red Cafe Stevens Corner strange, both in Pandan Indah - Island Red Cafe collects members RM6,000 each and promised 5 return every month and even give you a name in the ROC as a shareholder but what s the point when they run away Stevens Corner, the famous indian coffee shop follows due to drop of business since their renovation They collect RM3,000 per member and promise return of RM150 monthly and plans to open nice fanchisee cafe called StevensTeaGarden Someone mentioned they will make you sign an agreement that give them the rights NOT to pay you anything in future If you really wish to join, ask for a copy of their agreement and consult your lawyer BEFORE paying them Bet you will NOT get a copy Bot h collect monies from new members with MLM recruitment schemes and pay the old members like Sunshine Empire You never know when they will run away.2 Sunshine Empire - This licensed and legal Company has an impressive office at the ground level of KUB building along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, near Menara Public Bank and AmBank Building They also have a showroom office at the ground level in the next building 2 or 3 months ago, Singapore s Straits Times and The Paper published big news reminding their people to be careful and NOT to believe in them Hope someone can put up the link or google for it As expected, they STOPPED paying back members now and all investors LOST their money Someone below has put a link to the Singapore news In fact there are more to it Although Singapore is investigating them, they did not stop their business as the business is legal and so far, no Singaporean have failed to receive their commissions as promised Thus, the government cannot stop them yet The news publish ed that the founder, director and group president is someone named James Phang but he is NOT the owner Isn t this quite strange At the end of the game, James Phang can just disappear from the Company easily and claimed that he was just employed Such trick always happened in scam businesses Now, the Company has STOPPED paying commissions and interests to members with the excuse that the Singapore government has freezed their bank account while under investigation Do you think their boss will be so stupid to keep much monies in the bank to be freezed They are all transfered away It s just an excuses not to pay back to members and members are only paid e-bonus-points which is cashless If they wish to convert to cash, they have to recruit new members to pay them cash and the recruiter less out trom the amount So victims act like Vampires and forced to victimise other victims if they wish to get their monies back And their victims will later transform to vampires and the scam carries on.3 M OBILWALLET - This Company owned by 2 young men, Stanley Rey Gan, office in Queens Avenue Park has collect multi-millions the last 2 years Claimed that they tied up with Telekoms, Utility Board payment like Water Electricity bills, even Maybank got fooled by them Advertisement Billboards everywhere They STOPPED paying back their members few months ago and the members cannot do anything because they are made to sign an agreement unaware that they have to claims if the company stopped paying them by CHANGING terms and policies.4 Water businesses - Oxygenated and alkaline water products - Some of these are bottled water and some are filters or equipment that claimed the trick One of the better known Company that sold oxygen water is SITO supposed to stand for Selangor International Trading Organiszation and claimed Selangor State Government owned some share in it The key person and founder is a Dato Robert Ong from Rawang but his name is no longer in the business now Their products are sol d for RM2 to RM3 for a 350ml bottle and now concentrating mostly in the Indian market Their Chinese and Malays market are long gone since a year or 2 ago Their customers are made to believe that their water has more oxygen and able to give miraculous effects for the body Water is H2O, how to put more O into it Anyone knows how much oxygen do we breathe into our body everyday at FOC Latest news is that this SITO Company is going to create new label to market under a new Company since the SITO name has already gone bad Someone informed that this Company is owing alot of money due to refunds to ex-stockists but just refuse to pay them Latest news, SITO shifted to another place and their MLM business has closed but planning to start again with a different name, beware Alkaline Products - Can anyone explain how it can work for the body The stomach s gastric liquid is so acidic that water of any pH that goes through it will not make any difference.5 Car Fuel Booster - K-Link, the famous scam MLM Company that sold the footpatch TAKARA, later the cock-ring and energy-card launched the patrol-saving pills last year Got so hot that even grocery shops are selling for them Recently many of these cars that used the pills are rushing to the workshops to clean the residual Few months ago, another MLM Company launched a fuel booster gadget, claimed that saves up to 20 fuel, that is attached to the cigarette lighter Started off well using binary plan but businese begin to fade now and most users find it NOT effective.6 Perfumery Products eg Lampe Berger Bel Air more details later Lampe Berger is not so hot now in the neighbouring countries but there are still new victims every month in Malaysia Must thanks to those who have contributed and kept the thread alive here in Kopitiam Bel-Air have closed in Malaysia LB is almost zero in Singapore This perfumery product from France with over 100 years history are just bottles and fragrances check the factory s website but the Company market ing them in Asia claimed aromatheraphy products Hong Kong TVB aired a program that exposed their scam but their members claimed that HK s TVB already apologised to them no evidence, of course Note that the biggest strenght in a MLM Scam is their members will go all the way to lie in order to defend for their Company The reason is simple these members fear that they will not be able to make their money back if the Company collapsed Knowing that the Lampe Berger products are moving slow, they add a line of skincare products named Estebel, also claime to have over 100 years history in France Hardly anymore Chinese newcomers, they are now tapping the Malays in Malaysia Mostly only Bumis active members now but their top earner Steven Yeam have already left and started a new MLM Company see No 21 below.7 Energy Products eg stone pendants, bracelets, mattress and pillows They use all sorts of gimmicks and demonstration to make you into believing them They will do some tricks and demo to prove that these products really produce energy BUT is there any tricks in their demo So what if there really produce energy is it good or strong enough to help the body Are those simple products made of some simple materials worth RM300 to up to RM3000 each The effect is actually PLACEBO which I will elaborate in a new thread soon more details later.8 Hi-Tech products names like bio-tech, nano-tech that claimed millions of dollars of research involved, eg Bio-Young and XKL few years ago Most of these will claimed a professor behind them even with name and picture of a person or used words like U S A formula , German Technology or Nanotechnology but with no further details If you ask for more details like the professor or factory s address, the answer will be trade secrets.9 Investment Schemes - SWISSCASH is the King of all Swisscash is nearly over now but there are many similar and smaller ones that are still on Now, it s closed or stopped paying back members.10 GoldQuest - This Company th at claimed to be HK-based started with some non-value gold-plated coins that are sold for over RM2,000 have several names and changed products several times QuestVacation, QuestNet, etc They have several offices in Amcorp Mall, PJ and their key person in fact, the owner , a Malaysian Indian was arrested last year in Indonesia for having involved in a very big Phillipines scam Most of their overseas offices are closed or inactive but their Malaysia business is still hot, with some energy products Can someone please provide a link which showed the news that their boss was involved in a big scam in Philippines and was arrested last year.11 Numerology Fortune telling - A Company named Visiber is using MLM to sell fortune telling classes using your birthday based on Numerology fortune telling Prpspects will be told that they need to buy a certain number between 1 to 9 in the form of pendants or bracelets made of silver with stainless steel or platinum plated, and sold from RM600 to RM20,000 Customers, or rather victims are mostly females from rural areas Very hot in Penang now and a number of spin-off Companies have started.12 MJ-Life - This Company boost of a very big background with many many years of history which is NOT true Their people or associates may be long in business but nothing to do with their MLM launched recently Why do I consider it a scam or bad New members are told to pay a sum of money up to RM1000 and you get NOTHING for it You only get a membership can entitle you to enjoy all sorts of special price and discounts when you have medical check-ups in their centres They will claim all those check-ups cost more if done elsewhere It s not true Only the naive and those new to medical check-ups will fall victims to them Most members who paid the money ended up with nothing.13 Seaweed Venture Scams - 1 such Company is located in Taman Maluri, Cheras They will ask you to invest a few thousands ringgits for their venture of growing seaweeds in East Malaysia an d you are guaranteed returns To gain your confidence further, they will tell you your investment money is secured by insurance or unit trusts trustees When you ask for further documents to prove, they will give all sorts of excuses or just ignore you because they know they cannot get you These Seaweed scam is one of the hottest now, warn all your friends about it before they are victimised.14 MXM previously MGM - This is a master scam owned by a Dato Kam Pathlab tapping the younger group, very successful 2 or 3 years ago but since they moved to their big 10-storey office at Phileo Damansara and changed name to MXM, their business dropped They collect members RM3,000 to RM4,000 with credit card monthly easy payment and in return you get a hospital benefits insurance from Pacific Insurance worth only a few hundred RMs together with some you-don t-need medical check-ups from their associate Company Pathlab Also talk about fitness, lifestyles bullshit that is all worthless.15 Gano Excel I - Touch Life GEW2u - This company from the north, a copycat of DXN selling Lingzhi capsules created a new Company called Gano iTouch to cash-in on the internet like e-Cosway after their Company went down the drain since the last 2 years, selling Linzhi and some no-value energy pendants and alkaline water gadgets They provide free transport every weekend from KL to visit their Alor Star office It did not work well and recently in mid-2009 changed name to GEW.16 NuLife HK - This Company started by some HK people has been in Malaysia for more than 10 years but they have flopped in HK and Malaysia due to bad management and a product scam making use of a prosecuted American named Dr Jeffrey Bland, found guilty of false products claim Since this case in the US leaked out and many Malaysians found out that the real boss in HK is a Steven Tang he cheated many Malaysians in another scheme about 20 years ago their business went down all the way Now they claim Malaysian partners cheated them and st art a new Company in Malaysia Watch out, this new Company will come out with some investment scheme idea that will get many to lose their money.17 Arowana Fish Breeding, Oora from Germany, Biofuel Kompleks Maluri etc - These are some newer scams Arowana fish venture ask you to invest some money and give you fixed return Biofuel will tell you their Indonesia connections just like Sunshine Empire before using Taiwan Oora from Germany I never trust those cruel Germans that market some bio-chips and a gadget that claims to give energy and therapeutic effects of accupunture, tai-chi, yoga, etc depending how you set the toy-like gadget, wear it on your body and you get the effect later They could not explain or provide any demonstration to prove their effectiveness Only doctors and papers claim that I will never trust The health effect is actually PLACEBO, which I will elaborate in a different thread.18 Easy-Pharmax - How could I missed this out earlier I thought I mentioned this until I got e-mails asking me about it This is easily in the TOP 3 during the last 2 years Owned by a Dato Yeap another Dato Members are tricked to invest up to RM40,000 with the false promise that the Company will use e-commerce and online selling to dispose their goods and recover their monies It won t happen, of course.19 Gold Investment Scheme - This is an old trick but back again by several Companies promising a GURANTEE FIXED RETURN income like many other schemes Try to ask for a copy of their fixed return agreement and consult your lawyer Common sense tell you any business that promises a fixed return to UNLIMITED numbers of investors, higher than bank interests must be a scam.20 Score-A or Skor-A This Company sells you an online program of past Malaysian examinations papers for primary and secondary school students for self-testing for up to a few hundred RMs per membership It actually cost them nothing Members are told to invest in a few units, again using MLM with the promise of getting rich The same program can be purchased from Utusan for just a fraction of their price and you can get better programs.21 NEW SCAMS a GRI Global Royal International - The boss behind this scheme is multi-billionaire James Pang the big scammer waiting for trial in Singapore because of Sunshine Empire Before Sunshine Empire, he operated NOP and SwissCash This time, he is using a lot of representatives and MLM leaders since his passport is held by Singapore government and he cannot come to Malaysia I am told that anyone who is bold enough to call himself a MLM leader in Malaysia can visit his rep in Malaysia or Singapre and they will be given at least RM5,000 as some expenses subdsidy if you are willing to market for them b One Community Worldwide - Tapping a mostly Bumi market and owned by Steven Yeam SYN and Willie Lim of Lampe Berger previously the Chinese no longer trust them They are selling a negative ion mattress for RM25,000 The same modal, I have seen before for RM2000 from Korea If you cannot afford RM25K You can buy therapy package for RM300 Don t believe in such product You can go for some chlorostrum virgin cow s milk from nowhere c English-Learning Program Online - ESL an online English learning program You are asked to pay RM100 for one or 2 years usage of online learning Started by a Malaysian Indian man by the name of Dr Edward, this program has changed names at least 2 or 3 times since the last one year due to poor response and a lot of technical problems I consider it a scam because you are paying money for nothing tangible to direct-selling company through MLM and their program has been very unstable as my source put it. Note These was shared in FB and I think it is good to share with many Well, these are not new, read about it years back but a good reminder to be shared for those ignorants, uninformed ones Saw TKW shared this piece to i3-forum too good and thanks. Someone shared with me about GVF Global Venture Financing Yet another forex scams mushr ooming in Malaysia, from our neighbour Be aware. Yet another long week ahead Have a nice week. SEG Borken support 1 68 yesterday at1 61, touched 1 67 this morning Technically, it will rebound Reported not so good profit so far. Digi Was discussed last night e-stock analysis, and asked all to watch if there is a movement, need to go in Glad one of them told me he went in Will see the rebound sustainable. UEMLand Broken 2 35 and going higher Someone in my stock watch bought too I have asked them to check on 2 60 level to sell It is sell, not a buy now. TM Still resisted at 20MA No buying for those missed the low. YTL Bought 1 63 still going storng at 1 67 now Keep till momentum losing, sell for RM500 profits Good. MRCB Another stock which I place in stock watch and disccused in e-stock analysis group Glad that many bought into her, some around 1 27 and another batch went in when it broken 1 31 I Grabbed 1 32-1 33 too Need to check 1 45 to sell. SPSetia Rebounded from the RM3 levels I have given to the stock-watch group It went to RM3 50 which I asked them to sell it dived back to 3 15 levels before rebounded off to 3 35 now. FKLI I did not short yet as this is bull running We do not go against market directions tho I have been side-lined for a month or so, last week I started to move into buying some stocks for trading purposes It is profitting me OK quick trades, profit take it. It is Mac now those who wish to join my stock watch or stock analysis group, do contact me at. Morning what are the latest. Lahad Datu A nice small town, abandoned as some distance away, some battles going on Read that 2 5 policemen got killed so far So sad army is moving in more bloodshed expected Hope they could get some peaceful settlement May peace prevail but men with their egos, they like to make claims. Will it affect the markets. New lows BHIC reaching new lows Biosis, Amedia and Smartag too Sendai and many more nearing to new low such as YTLPower, MAS KNM many more. Market is still in cautious-mode , despite it shows some buying coming in The uncertainties of GE and Suluk, making many retailers in anxious-mode should we be moving in to capture that small rebound Or is it moving to 1680 levels again and we do not want to miss the rally pre-election rally, anyone. Last week was different I m trying to do something not common for a week, such as going for an hour lunch normally just 10-15 minutes and do some reading Dilbert then for weekend, I did not on my pc no blogging haha minus the Sat and Sun blah-blah only checking on my FB using ipad Went for nice dinner with family BangkokBeat was nice and one of our fav restaurant, Bubba-Gumb I like prawns Saturday morning before my classes, we went for jogging in the playground Great ways of doing something different. Financial freedom I was glad to share with my wife a simple conversation about money Just merely 3-4 years ago, she will be stressed due to lack of money to use Today, she is slighly more educated about money As I am slowly te aching her about personal finances, she will be given the freedom to use some allocated amount of money I have increased the ceiling substantially So, she feels she is financially free now Great feeling when you do not need to think of buying that fav fish to cook as it is costly or wanting to buy some clothes shoes Once we learn to be simple, and understand that we actually needs very little items, we will not continue to spend more and more on items. A good example is my kids toys My boy is so privileged Always wanting to buy something new and more toys Yes he is failing to appreciate what he is having So, I have told my wife many of times it is not the money that we could afford or not it is the characters we are building in him He got so many toys that he can t even appreciate anything much anymore All he wants is a new one, see Slowly, I think my wife start to get my points after few years of trying to explain simple concept of lives. I am glad when patience paid off I have to be pa tient and to teach finances to normal people is difficult Buying into many things is not living it is in-fact giving us the un-neccesary stressful situation Having the control of our urge to buyings and knowing that we are trying to balance our living, into a more simple ones could make us a happier person I do hope to teach my kids that. How do we measure financial freedom As our expenses should be relative to our abilities to earn we should still place maximum amount we should be spending one certain items such as food, clothings attires, entertainments, gadgets, etc etc. Example If one is earning RM5k, a once a week dinner of RM50 is ok then if we are earning RM10k, once a week dinner of RM100 is ok too. So, in her view, we are achieving our financial-freedom thats feeling is great In my view, we have not achieve that as I do still need to work whole day and whole week to exchange my time with money to earn, save and invest One day I do know, if I am persistent I will feel financially free too without needing to worry much about financial for my kids education, health and wealth being. Live below your means as the most common words telling us I will maintain that. Have a nice day and week ahead May not be able to write due to tight schedules and wanting to do more un-common things. KLCI jumped 13 points yesterday, giving many a bullish surprise KLCI is above 20MA now, and we are on the road to recovery, to 1650 next and 1680.I will have 8 hours of classes today, so I do need to reserve my energy for that loong hours later on So, I done somethin different again by going for breakfast in a bakery shop Days ago, I took an hour off from my busy schedules to have a nice lunch, in an empty restaurant and reading Scott Adam s Dilbert book Haha and I find it as very nice, worth the time spent by being with myself. To This Day by Shane Koyczan. When I was a kid I used to think that pork chops and karate chops were the same thing I thought they were both pork chops and because my grandmother thought it was cute and because they were my favourite she let me keep doing it not really a big deal. one day before I realized fat kids are not designed to climb trees I fell out of a tree and bruised the right side of my body I didn t want to tell my grandmother about it because I was afraid I d get in trouble for playing somewhere that I shouldn t have been a few days later the gym teacher noticed the bruise and I got sent to the principal s office from there I was sent to another small room with a really nice lady who asked me all kinds of questions about my life at home I saw no reason to lie as far as I was concerned life was pretty good I told her whenever I m sad my grandmother gives me karate chops this led to a full scale investigation and I was removed from the house for three days until they finally decided to ask how I got the bruises news of this silly little story quickly spread through the school and I earned my first nickname pork chop to this day I hate po rk chops. I m not the only kid who grew up this way surrounded by people who used to say that rhyme about sticks and stones as if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called and we got called them all so we grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with us that we d be lonely forever that we d never meet someone to make us feel like the sun was something they built for us in their tool shed so broken heart strings bled the blues as we tried to empty ourselves so we would feel nothing don t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone that an ingrown life is something surgeons can cut away that there s no way for it to metastasize it does she was eight years old our first day of grade three when she got called ugly we both got moved to the back of the class so we would stop get bombarded by spit balls but the school halls were a battleground where we found ourselves outnumbered day after wretched day we used to stay inside for recess because outside was worse outside we d ha ve to rehearse running away or learn to stay still like statues giving no clues that we were there in grade five they taped a sign to her desk that read beware of dog to this day despite a loving husband she doesn t think she s beautiful because of a birthmark that takes up a little less than half of her face kids used to say she looks like a wrong answer that someone tried to erase but couldn t quite get the job done and they ll never understand that she s raising two kids whose definition of beauty begins with the word mom because they see her heart before they see her skin that she s only ever always been amazing he was a broken branch grafted onto a different family tree adopted but not because his parents opted for a different destiny he was three when he became a mixed drink of one part left alone and two parts tragedy started therapy in 8th grade had a personality made up of tests and pills lived like the uphills were mountains and the downhills were cliffs four fifths suicidal a tidal wave of anti depressants and an adolescence of being called popper one part because of the pills and ninety nine parts because of the cruelty he tried to kill himself in grade ten when a kid who still had his mom and dad had the audacity to tell him get over it as if depression is something that can be remedied by any of the contents found in a first aid kit to this day he is a stick of TNT lit from both ends could describe to you in detail the way the sky bends in the moments before it s about to fall and despite an army of friends who all call him an inspiration he remains a conversation piece between people who can t understand sometimes becoming drug free has less to do with addiction and more to do with sanity we weren t the only kids who grew up this way to this day kids are still being called names the classics were hey stupid hey spaz seems like each school has an arsenal of names getting updated every year and if a kid breaks in a school and no one around chooses to he ar do they make a sound are they just the background noise of a soundtrack stuck on repeat when people say things like kids can be cruel every school was a big top circus tent and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers from clowns to carnies all of these were miles ahead of who we were we were freaks lobster claw boys and bearded ladies oddities juggling depression and loneliness playing solitaire spin the bottle trying to kiss the wounded parts of ourselves and heal but at night while the others slept we kept walking the tightrope it was practice and yeah some of us fell but I want to tell them that all of this shit is just debris leftover when we finally decide to smash all the things we thought we used to be and if you can t see anything beautiful about yourself get a better mirror look a little closer stare a little longer because there s something inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone who told you to quit you built a cast around your broken heart and s igned it yourself you signed it they were wrong because maybe you didn t belong to a group or a click maybe they decided to pick you last for basketball or everything maybe you used to bring bruises and broken teeth to show and tell but never told because how can you hold your ground if everyone around you wants to bury you beneath it you have to believe that they were wrong they have to be wrong why else would we still be here we grew up learning to cheer on the underdog because we see ourselves in them we stem from a root planted in the belief that we are not what we were called we are not abandoned cars stalled out and sitting empty on a highway and if in some way we are don t worry we only got out to walk and get gas we are graduating members from the class of fuck off we made it not the faded echoes of voices crying out names will never hurt me of course they did but our lives will only ever always continue to be a balancing act that has less to do with pain and more to do with be auty. Name calling I was called pai kuat during my schooling days nicked by a Math teacher as I was very thin I felt embarrassed and the laughters could drown a young boy. There are still many being bullied and name-calling is a mild manner Silently, many will keep many things to themselves and seeing their world to be dark. Not until we grown up, we get bit matured that we could let-go, laugh things off and seeing things positively We are being ridicule silly because we are different may it be physical or we are not following the mainstream trends. Always remember that we are all born equal We should not discriminate The colours of our skins, our so-called status, our political views, our nationalities, our wat-have-u In God s eyes, we are equal But we would be discriminating others What culture is that. Make the world a slightly better world to others That is when we could say that we have lived. I worte the above in my facebook after listening to the poem , creatively created Do listen We may not mean it, but at times our words will hurt others, un-intentionally There might very bad people who enjoy insulting others, but I believe they are the minority When we were kids, nothing we joked or said meant it But, somehow when it is an adult parents, relatives, teachers, friends insulting a young child, that is an abuse We see physical abuse as major crime but the emotional abuse could be more harming These kids losing their self-esteem, to be part of the society playing a role in the community and being involved in the normal activities Yet, many of these abused kids will end up sadly, ALONE. Many of things bottled up and with further suppression, their voices would not be heard, in the midst of noises and every word they said will be ridiculed The insult could do damage to a person s characters moulding them into hatred individual and they do need to open-up, getting some supportive ones to understand what they are trying to convey. Many of them do not manage to see lights, as they have been hiding in their shells The comfort of dis-comfort they lived with it. Be-frienders I worked as a volunteer with be-friends PJ 20 years back and it was an amazing experience I do hope I could find time one day, and help more in distress, who needs their voice to be heard. got to go for my 7 hours of classes. Millionaire forex trader secrets report greg secker arrested. Millionaire forex trader secrets report greg secker arrested. 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TA has been moving strongly higher and Hwang has a BUY call for TA Perhaps, TA could return the favour by having a BUY call for HDBS Hmm You scratch my back, I scratch yours. IJMLand closed at 2 09, and will queue for it at 2 05.7 45 am Lost 2-0 to the first half goals Liverpool s defence definitely leaking they used to have one of the strongest defence Hmm.9 30 am BJCorp making the limelight with Dufu, Silver-wa and such taking turns to be goreng-ed Recently BURSA queried a few companies about the irregular stock movements As usual, they will reply We don t know-la, boss Well, if there is insider trading or manipulations of such stocks, what BURSA could do, anyway. Recently, US caught someone with the offence of insider-trading He gained USD8m on Perot stocks Woo that is cool money I didnt read much to understand what was going on and HOW they caught him So, could BURSA catch those manipulating KLSE s counters C mon, it has been going on through out the year you know it, we know it except Bursa. Will you BUY into these counters Yes, hit-and-run I used to play with that, but the nature of gambling is there, so I restrained myself from such a punt How about buying CWs That is punting too, right. LFECorp must be an extremely good company as so many INVESTORS rushing to grab a piece of her HLSCorp is ano ther, recently goreng-ed No it doesnt make any sense, business-sense But, at times markets moving independently of economics businesses One good piece of news will see a HUGE jump in the stock price immediately HSL was written in The Edge over the weekend, and its stock shot up on Monday, the next day. Today is the last day of Sept, I might sing Wake me up when October Ends or perhaps the year-end waiting for the markets to dive Well, it didnt I m wrong again, as usual.10 05 am KLCI down 2 points, STI down 3 points I m queue-ing for CPNE at 0 38 intraday low yesterday was 0 415 Will accumulate it Kossan breaking 4 40.12 26 pm KLCI losing 3 59 points CPNE touched 0 39 and CWP at 0 67 now End of Sept time to SELL REDs are seen everywhere. I love Jackie s movies from his Snake in the eagle shadow I was still a y9ung boy then to his Project A and many more but I never really appreciate his singing He is going to sing during the China National Day, and I m still searching for the song he is s inging It was shown in CCTV the other day Nice song Well, I did not watch a movie for 4 years now, and bought his DVD but never have the TIME to enjoy a movie May be I should during this weekend Hmm. Qinfa at 1 90 level and will get more of it at 1 80 and below Strong Petro at 1 80 level. Solargiga at 1 75 level, with RSI showing oversold PE still hanging at 30 level, grab it at 1 50 level.1 55 pm No buying yet markets are still retracing Might want to trim E O and start to collect some of my China s stocks I have cleared MPHB at 1 88 some days ago as I bought Qinfa. STI losing 20 points Wilmar still retracing profit taking after such a strong run PPB running in tandem too. GoldenAgri KNM of KLSE at 0 425, and might consider it when it moves below SGD0 40.2 35 pm KLCI and STI moving lower KNM at 0 74 now Why do we need to BUY and SELL Well, when KNM at RM1, I wrote about it that an investor bought more into it instead of take profits, SELLing is much more important than buying SELL to take profits or cut losses Well, I m trying to learn my mistakes in SELLING.6 10 pm KLCI closed at 1202 08, hanging above 1200 level Once it moves lower that this psychological level, many crazy selling will be seen as we are moving into OCTOBER tmr Very spooky months, indeed. Trimmed some E O and grabbed LionInd at 1 48 done Thinking of clearing E O and hold to LionInd only IJMLand not done at 2 05, shot up to 2 20 in such a bad market environment today. DOW up 100 points ok, shall we see sunlight today I was preparing for KLCI to retrace further, but I guess I m wrong again Market should rebound today but, I failed to buy any yesterday. If I m not wrong, the title reads as Ji De Remember Yes, I m reminding myself about my trading mistakes and hope I could learn from them.9 10 am It is green today Johan is the champ Wait, we have AHB up almost 50 Recently we do see many very small penny-stocks increase in huge percentage May be these companies are restructuring and gaining grounds Or could i t be the counters being MANIPULATED I guess the former make more sense. I was reading a nice blog and admit that I made such mistakes in my trading Yeah, at time we make silly mistakes which doesnt make any investment sense We could be greedy and in gambler mindset But, I made more mistakes than others Hmm.11 05 pm KLCI up 3 points, but E O retracing so, I m queueing at 1 44 I bought it at 1 50 last week or so. I still think I read TOO MUCH and too diversified So, I think I should re-focus into China energy power companies only There are so many to pick from and I really dont know which will do better in future When markets dive in China, I want to BUY a few of these counters Or perhaps limit to TWO counters. Energy stocks Oil and Gas Petrolium related companies. Power stocks IPP and coal businesses. Renewable Energy Wind Solar and Waste-to-energy. China oil-stocks Time to buy or too late. Sinogas code That is what I have been doing, looking into those smaller China s energy power companies l isted in HKSE At 0 26, it coincides with its code, so is that the signal to BUY It touched a 52-week high of 0 33 recently Then, I looked into its historical chart Phew, in 2000-2001, it dived from HKD4 to HKD0 50 what a knife Even during the peak in China market, it only reached 0 60-0 70 level So, can one BUY at 0 26 The next thing I will do searching for its news related and go thru its website if any some in Chinese download their annual reports and such, and do some investigations It is a CSI-job WHY this stock being murdered in 2000-2001 Have they found the murder weapon - the knives. China Energy code With such a nice catching name, one may think that it controls the China s energy sector A quick check will tell us otherwise Besides the Natural Gas business in Macau, they are operating a chain of restaurants Err huh Trading at HKD0 42, it dived from 0 80 52-week high recently Can we buy at 0 40 level Mind u, its 52-week low was at 0 065 Cool 10-fold your money IF you could sell a t 0 80 level Nah how low is low, how high is high. PetroAsian code One of the first China oil-stock in my list and expanding to about 15 now Back in March, it was at 0 20 level, and shot up to 0 55 level recently before retraced to HKD0 40 level currently PE currently at 13 6, no longer cheap. Genesis Energy code Climbed from the 52-week low at 0 037, currently it is at HKD0 23 Well, it shot up to 0 445 before retracing to current level, tho I like a portion of their business waste to energy, as I see the huge potential in these China gov will be pushing further for a more environmental friendly programs and fundings, so this sector may benefit Will this compnay gain much from it Knowledge is not equal to understanding I may know a little about it, but with lack of understanding, I will fail to take any actions I like this counter, anyway. Strong Petro code There is a 4-1 split recently, at HKD1 90 now This is a newly listed Jan 2009 in HKSE Offer price was at HKD2 50 and started shot up to HKD7 level in early June I m more seriously stalking this one it failed to move to 1 80 With its PE still a single digit and market cap of RMB3 04b, it is certainly attractive for investors And with the name STRONG PETRO, certainly it could be very strong when petrolium products in demand again Well, it has gained 86 in 3-months.12 20 pm CPNE code which I sold at 0 60 months ago, still moving lower and at 0 44 this morning, down 5 with high volumes I bought this one in Mac Apr at 0 30 level, so yes, I will collect it at nearing 0 30 level again CPNE principally engaged in clean-energy power plants wind, hydro and waste-to-energy. CPNE closed 9 6 lower at HKD0 425 Noted. The Group has a 90 interest in Phase I of the Gansu Wind Power Project Phase I of the Gansu Wind Power Project has 134 wind turbines each with an output of 0 75MW, all of which came into operation in November 2007 and are operating smoothly etc I m not recommending this counter, please I m merely stating that I like th e businesses they are involved in - Wind Power and such For a pure windpower counter, of coz I will prefer CWP code. Currently, CWP at 0 70 level I sold at HKD1 00 level months ago and I have intention to buy this one when market dives, perhaps at 0 50 I dont think so I will see 0 30 level again.5 25 pm E O done at 1 44 queued since morning and it shot up to 1 49 Huh lucky me to put 1 44 as that is the intraday-low. KLCI up 2 26 points while HSI up 400 points. Money not enough It is end of September end of month is important period of time for a salaried person like me Yes, the pay is in the bank, withdrawn the next day to pay this and that Only a small fraction left. Here is a breakdown of where my salary will go.1 15 for my Kancil car loan 2 15 for my vacant beach apartment 3 15 for my rental of a house 4 10 forced saving to ASB 5 10 for insurance 6 15 for bills Astro, Narrowband, Electricity, Water, Handphones 7 7 mom-in-law 8 3 for petrol. Those are FIXED expenses I m left with 10 for F OOD Forget about entertainment, please I cant afford any How about groceries How about supplements Dont forget credit cards Arrghh with expenses expected to increase next year son going to kinder and shifting to new faraway campus I dont know if I could survive. So, with my current salary, I cant afford ANYTHING at all It is not a choice and I m willing to work part-time giving Maths tuition Luckily I have enough classes tho I charged cheaply to cover my monthly expenses, with a little to save to be banked into my investment a c.8 55 am BJToto is reaching 4 50 and BJToto-cd might be moving higher I m still holding much on it, hope to sell by stages at 0 12-0 13 level.9 05 am KLCI down 3 points, queue-ing to clear IGB and BJToto-cd.9 20 am KLCI down almost 5 points now, after Raya break Many coming back to KLSE to sell Many goreng-ed higher Hevea, Jadi Ogawa Hmm.9 55 am KLCI down 6 points queueing to buy more of LionInd at 1 49 IGB at 1 75, how to clear it now Hang-on there.10 15 am HSI opens 200 points lower.11 00 am Oh Boy KLCI down by 8 points.12 35 pm KLCI losing 10 points Time to BUY, or hold on or SELL That is always the decision to make.2 30 pm Queueing for LionInd at 1 50 and E O at 1 45 Selling IGB as I said I want to focus only with those two.2 50 pm KLCI continues to retrace zzz wait for the dive It is almost end of Sept, time to wake me up zzzz.3 40 pm KLCI down 12 points now can move in now Gold below 990, Oil at 65 now.5 45 pm KLCI lost 11 44 points, and I sold IGB at 1 77 bought 1 78 Alam flew off today. HSI down 400 points with Qinfa at 1 97 Geely at 2 05.BJtoto-cd pushed back down to 0 11, so nothing done. Look into down IJMLand, Scomi, Genting, RHBCap, UEMLand, Kurasia, Adventa, Dialog, Equine, Salcon, LCL, TAS, Jaks, SPSetia-wb, AnnJoo-wb, WCT-wb, Sunway-wc, PBBank-cj. Look into up Hevea, Glomac, Linear, Ogawa, Dayang, Airport, Harta. pm Xerox going down more than 10 as RIMM still retracing Most in green DOW up 100 points now Oracle up 5.I have written many KLSE s stocks yesterday but I think I only knew half of those companies listed No, I do not memorise their names, but searched them thru The Star s paper Perhaps that is the way I release some stress Haha. China I have a chance to speak with my bro-in-law HTE who just came back from China He went to ShenZhen, Zhu Hai and Macau One of the way to invest in China directly is to open a bank accounts there But, we are not allowed to open individual accounts But, if you have businesses with China s companies, then you are encouraged to have an account there China-Malaysia trades done in currency-swap I dont understand how it actually works but I do know that by doing such, China is SLOWLY dis-regard the importance of USD in international trades. Anyway, the point is here the future strength of RMB and the weakening of USD, making it attractive to many investors holding t o RMB, instead of USD How about MYR vs USD or MYR vs RMB, I asked As he believes MYR does not have much strength in it, he is buying RMB and converting his MYR to RMB I dont know much about currencies or anything much about anything except Mathematics , but I supported his views RMB up, USD down. If you see how AUD appreciating for months, you could have wished that you buy AUD in Mac Apr it was at 2 20 level and today, it is at 3 00 And IF you have bought an OZ s stock like Rio TinTo at AUD30 , you could have gained in both ways appreciation of the stock s price and currency gains Double-whoomp. With that in mind, I m buying HKSE s stocks which denominated in HKD, I will not gain from the appreciation of the currency much, right I should buy a Chinese stock, traded in Shanghai market and in RMB Yuan But, Shanghai market is not open to individuals like me How should I go around it Hmm. Which sectors in China are booming fast Too many opinions when you read too much But, generally with Chi na still moving forward when others are struggling. I do like China Energy Power sector the most, including the green alternative stocks WindPower and Solar came into mind. China telco sector should do extremely well with more can afford mobile handphones. China-auto will definitely monopolising the auto industry in near future as Ford, GM, VW, Volvo and many more trying to grab a piece of the pie GS bought 20 of Geely recently Buffett bought BYD. Consumer goods will be booming in China with the modernisation of the society, from Rags to Riches, as they put it mentioned Parkson KL code 5657 in his short report. China Agri Jim mentioned that famers will be rich I think he has a point. A BULL IN CHINA by Jim Rogers Something I do believe, one day China Asia will take over the global economies. IB Interactive broker can I buy China stocks thru this platform Is it denominated in USD What are the risks. DOW down a little again, with DPTR at 1 80-1 92 Gold at 990, Oil 66.I asked my wife yesterday if she heard of the name Sara Lee and Unilever She said, of coz YES Then, we checked our house-hold products - many U but couldnt find Sara Lee I know I seen it before Well, the story is Unilever paying USD1 88b for Sara Lee It was last week when I told her that Kraft wants to buy Cadbury Most of us heard of Kraft and or Cadbury. Well, just 4 years ago, if you mention Unilever, Sara Lee, Kraft and Cadbury I think I only know Cadbury choc Unilever err is it the same as Uni-Brothers used to be at Jalan Bangsar, where I passed by daily on the way to Uni. If I dont even know Kraft, then certainly I dont know what Hubline or LionInd Sime Darby at Jalan Raja Laut, I know the building but never ask what its business Definitely I dont know Musa Putih attached to Sime I have almost ZERO knowledge about anything except things I enjoyed. KLSE What s in the name We have SILVER which nothing to do with silver, unless they are selling silver coloured baking powder. We have SUPER which nothing super about the company. We have JADI which recently being goreng-ed jadi la tu. Of coz, recently I mentioned about PLUS which only adding money to Samy s huge pockets. PERISAI not selling sheilds used for battles, you know. TITAN means huge Our TITAN is definitely not that huge and not related to TITANic. OCTAGON and HEXAGON must have something to do with geometrical shape I do teach LINEAR equations But, the LINEAR company certainly cant be straight. How about the goreng-ed counters of JOHAN and KAWAN Do you want to be a champ Grab JOHAN then. How about knowing more friends KAWAN will definitely be glad to be your friend Well, you want a friend who dont answer back, screaming at you Get BATU KAWAN afterall she is a STONE Haha Let us stay MUHIBAH. JOHAN A company producing champions. KAWAN A company producing friends KAWAN Malaysia s facebook This KAWAN likes to share their food with you too. STONE You must be kidding to wonder what this company producing. I forgot we can be extremely HANDAL too, to be joha n Or you prefer to lead and be a LEADER. If you have the DAYA you will have your way No energy Get TENAGA to boost your energy level. FAJAR we used to have FAJAR Bakti s textbooks So, it is public-listed now Hmm Is FAJAR and SURIA related Do you prefer the FAJAR period or the hot SURIA I would rather wait for SUNRISE and we do get plenty of SURIA in SUNCITY. I m not so sure about the meaning of DAYANG is it a name of a Malay lady How about GADANG, is it a Malay guy name Hmm I do know COASTAL tepi pantai, but I m not sure if PERWAJA warriors Ghee my Malay is really karat-ing KAWAN correct my Malay if I m wrong Oooppss it is perwira, right. Speaking of names, they do list their names such as HALIM If you love your surname so much, get it listed in BURSA man WONG CHANG SHANG CHUAN ENG I guess you will see TEH listed soon Just wonder how much they are paying to get their surnames listed publicly. If you like your name so-so much, get it listed of them get their hames listed and mostly with thei r Chinese names For examples, ANN JOO CHEE WAH CHOO BEE HAP SENG HIAP TEK HO HUP HWA TAI HUA YANG MAH SING FAR LIM, KIA LIM, KIAN JOO, KIM HIN, LIEN HOE, POH KONG, TO MEI, PO HUAT, TEO SENG, TEK SENG, TONG HER WAH SEONG, YEE LEE and many many more I m too lazy to list all here I guess they were ex-classmates of Yusli or Zeti No Najib s When will I ever see my name there Hmm I need to get Najib to call me first. When MENTIGA should be spelt mentega, as I presume they are selling butter-related products. Or GENTING should be spelt gunting, as it is selling obviously, gunting Or could it be a public-listed barber shop Heard that GENTING is a big company. Is RAPID CEPAT These two companies must be moving very fast Why do they listed using a Malay and English word Then, why say, jalan-baik listed for GOODWAY Or sentiasa-hijau for EVERGREEN by the way, why they spelt EVERGREEN as Evergrn, that doesnt make sense, right The only logical reason I could think of is jalan-baik and sentiasa-hijau are loo ong words Maybe they might think of appropriate abbreviations. Is MEDIA a Malay or an English word How about EFFICEN do they mean efficient POS is post in English, I guess UTUSAN message in Malay Did you get my UTUSAN These few Malay-English wordings being jumbled, and confusing many Chinese ah pek MUDA like me, for sure Is that done purposefully by our caring government. While I do know STAR bintang, but I sensed that STAR has nothing to do with CCB. How about KENANGA I think it sells fruits Never try buah kenanga before, anyway. I know I wanted to create a story relating these public-listed companies names, but I have lost my flare of writing even one good post I knew it perhaps, I m not fit enough Wonder if FITTERS is selling all those fitness equipments Hmm long time never check on FITTERS to see if they are still as fit Hehe. As we see BIG doesnt mean a big company, SUCCESS doesnt mean a successful company PIE is not a pie-selling company, I guess QUALITY is not necessary a quality com pany It is so mis-leading. PUNCAK peak or vertex or apex Why sometimes they use Malay words but at times they use the English words Why cant they standardise it Hmm I m confused. I do need HELP at times, but I rather keep things to myself For example, I m struggling to re-call my Malays at the moment Is BAT selling kelawar Is kelawar the right word for BAT I have to get my ASAS correctly, otherwise I dont know if ALAM earth or world I was quite good in Ilmu ALAM now known as geography geografi , I do know khatulistiwa is EQUATOR but can it be listed too. Is JAVA a travelling company or the agent bringing in many Indons from JAVA OR could JAVA an IT-related company where at times, I seen before. Sometimes, they could be so lazy that they shorten the tata to TA and papa to PA Why Isnt it DIALOG should be spelt dialogue Why shorten it. And is MAA stands for mama Is it just a sound made by babies, a short for mama If I have to MERGE them together, it sounds like this TA PA MAA Never mind, mom H aha. I know my Malay may not be good, but I do notice that some public-listed companies spelt wrongly such as TAANN should be tahan, or MAGNA should be makna baru got meaning MAA right. It might take me a CENTURY to learn how to invest SUCCESS fully, and be financially free I need to MASTER the trading investment skills I need to AIM high Otherwise, I will certainly have to SIGN in and out daily to work till I retire and forget about the getting my wife a nice kitchen Certainly I could forget about accumulating some HARTA for my kids Perhaps, I could only afford to buy rubber-ducks for them to play with Anyway, TIME will tell. Well, I love Sabah as we do have GUNUNG a public-listed company selling moutains and long COASTAL lines and we could be collecting SHELL s But, I dont know if we could find a TASEK here But, for relaxation we could always go to TANJONG Aru, the beach in the city The land here is very SUBUR too, and they do plant plenty of KELADI Is Sabah a yam exporter to China I do like yam-cake Haha. We do have a university of the highest standard here, UMS It is the only public-listed university in Malaysia Do u see UM, USM or UKM listed in BURSA Wait I think I saw UMLAND so UM only listed their land Just like MAXIS going to list only their local operations. Is UNISEM University Science of East Malaysia Is it in Kelantan We do have a university of mechanics, UNIMECH meant for those future mechanics upgraded from polytechnics la tu , and it is also publicly listed Wow These Universities built for political purposes during elections Well, BN sure MENANG in Sabah and SARAWAK these are BN s MUTIARA. Not only we will list our universities, we do list the whole town or even state For example, NILAI, KULIM, GOPENG and SARAWAK We could be seeing One-Malaysia or Malaysia-Boleh listing as new IPOs soon, if Najib has his way. I know I m not that BRIGHT to write a better plot But, if you like this writing here, please distribute it to others Your EDARAN will be appreciated. Th anks for your SUPPORT anyway. KLSE Look into Sumatec. DOW down by 80 points but AIG, FRE and FNM up Hmm AIG performing extremely well since the reverse-splits DPTR at 2 01, not moving much Oil below 70, Gold at 1008.9 00 am Queue to clear IGB as I only want to focus on LionInd, E O and MPHB Might top-up more of these, and clear in stages as we have to be cautious. Russell Napier of CLSA said to Bernie Bloomberg that S P might go down to 400 level Did I heard that mistakenly 400.KLCI down 2 points, Noble up again in SGX after China s interest. Another day in paradise - Phil one of the most beautiful song.1 00 pm David Tice mentioned S P at 400, not Rusell Napier Hmm But, IF a big IF S P dive to 400-level, everyone in markets will lose huge amount of money It may not be so soon but, it will I believe the current rally creating an un-imaginable crisis in future. HSI closed 500 points lower in the morning session, and many depreciated 3-5 , except for Geely Geely is in her own world, up another 10.5 05 pm KLCI lost 1 01 points, HSI lost 544 79 points Qinfa moved down and touched 1 93, before moving back to 2 03, opening price I queued at 1 80, my next buying level As for IGB, I failed to clear it at 1 81.10 45 pm G-20 is on DPTR dived 10 lower to be at 1 80 at the moment, after the home sales data were out, DOW in reds. By assuming I bought DPTR at 2 30 days ago when it dived from USD4, and at 1 80 now, I will continue to follow my plan to BUY more into it at 1 70, so that my average will be at USD2.DPTR closed at 1 79, and 1 70 is not done Its intra-day low was 1 76.Wanna be rich This is a secret e-mail I received Well, since I m going to be rich being the agent selling Blue Sapphire, I will be glad to share with others lets get rich together. p s I do understand Malay well. Diharap tuan sihat sejahtera. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin memperkenalkan diri Nama saya fizah abdullah dan juga warganegara Malaysia. Saya berkerja di London, United Kingdom Saya tahu tuan tentu terkejut mene rima email dari orang yang tidak dikenali Untuk pengetahuan tuan, saya ingin menawarkan usul perniagaan dimana ia adalah sulit dan penting untuk masa depan dan kerjaya saya Saya berharap tuan tidak menyalah ertikan maksud kedatangan email ini lalu menyebarkan kepada umum kerana ia akan memberi impak yang besar kepada kerjaya saya. Untuk pengetahuan tuan, saya memerlukan produk SAPHIRE BLUE STONE dimana mineral ini boleh didapati di Malaysia melalui pembekal yang dikenali dan kualiti produknya dijamin oleh syarikat kami Produk ini digunakan untuk perhiasan seperti barang kemas, jam, kemasan lantai dan sebagainya Memandangkan tuan seorang rakyat Malaysia, saya ingin menawarkan tuan untuk menjadi ejen bagi pihak syarikat semasa mereka datang untuk membelinya di sana Untuk pengetahuan tuan, syarikat kami memerlukan bekalan tersebut setiap dua bulan dengan kuantiti yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak di antara syarikat dengan tuan. Sebelum ini pihak syarikat menghantar wakil untuk membeli mineral i ni tetapi dia telah terlibat dengan kemalangan dan hilang keupayaan Oleh itu saya mengambil kesempatan mendapatkan nombor telefon pembekal di Malaysia darinya. Di sini saya sekadar cuba nak bertanya, adakah tuan berminat untuk melakukan urusniaga ini Ini kerana saya ada nombor telefon ejen dari Malaysia tersebut Saya kalau boleh tidak mahu pembekal di Malaysia tersebut berhubung terus dengan syarikat kerana mereka mengaut keuntungan di pihak mereka sahaja Harga yang dijual oleh pembekal ialah USD2,250 manakala syarikat membeli mineral tersebut dengan harga USD7,500 seperti yang ejen lama jual Saya juga akan mencadangkan tuan sebagai pembekal kepada syarikat dari Malaysia kepada CEO kami dengan persetujuan tuan. Sekiranya tuan berminat dengan usul ini dan ingin bertanya dengan lebih lanjut, diharap tuan mengambil inisiatif untuk menghantar email terus kepada saya berdasarkan alamat di bawah atau sila berikan number untuk dihubungi dan saya akan terangkan melalui telefon. DOW up 50 points D elta at USD2, touched 1 86 intraday low , so my 1 70 queue not done. Hence, I am holding on to Delta at USD2 30 cost supposed to be 2 30 x 3 50 x 1000 RM8k. Anyway, BULLISH sentiments are still around the markets I will be busy to monitor today.10 30 am KLCI up 4 points, no activity for today except looking into H-shares. My OSK-game stocks Currently realised profits at RM3k after 2 weeks, and rank 601 of 8335 mostly inactive , climbing up the ladder I have sold 40k Gens-c1 and Astro for profits moments ago, and currently holding GPacket, AMMB, Dayang Genm-cj, KNM Saag and Gens-c1 left 15k at 0 305 cost Only Dayang and KNM slightly lower might cut it off when losses still small as I m ready for next buying spree. The initial capital given was RM100,000 With the profits of RM3k, that is 3 in two weeks trade If I clear ALL my holdings NOW at current prices, I shall pocket about RM4 That is 4 for 2 weeks So, if I STOP trading then, I hv done better than those putting their money in FD, right Let me beat 7 ASB giving first See In longer run, it is NOT 4 per month, as we might lose back to markets I m practising PATIENCE here Wish I could do the SAME with REAL money Haha.12 55 pm KLCI up 2 58 points, with LionInd and E O slightly down IGB opened higher at 1 88, but pushed back to 1 80 level I queued for 1 78 touched, not done No buying selling for me at the moment Just watch Genting flying higher, at 7 30 level now Huh. Curbing over-trading and over-diversifying I m addicted to trading, hence i m trying to curb on my addiction by moving away from the monitor Discipline NOT to buy in Sept Oct Over-diversifying too is one of my trading mistakes. I need to focus in fewer baskets, and see it grow rather than spreading my so-called risks Diversifying are for birds Sound familiar Well I need to look into my portfolios and maitain my focus in them LionInd, E O and MPHB As for oil and energy stocks, I m buying into China s counters. Warrants I will want to be out of HKSE s CWs PWs as i t is too volatile for me I will only focus on buying KL s as the fees charged are way cheaper This is for trading buy Currently, I m only holding BJToto-cd, Sinopec-c5 and Genm-cj I like many and dont know which one to choose, so I skip it for the month of Sept Oct Putting cash aside in case the market dive Many are saying it wont. Geely resume trading this morning with a hike of 20 Well, someone bought USD250million into it Phew Cool money I m bullish in China-auto, and believe it will give investors huge returns So, I might consider Geely as my China auto-play It is trading at HKD2 10 level now, from a low of HKD0 15 yes, u read that right How many fold is that With PE around 12, it is still a good buy, for investment 3-5 years time frame I will write more about this one as I m queue-ing for it at HKD2 00 this morning It touched an intraday low of 2 07.4 30 pm IGB done at 1 78 3k units Qinfa at 2 03, and CWP shot up 7 to 0 77 Noted.4 55 pm KLCI down by 2 points KNM going below 0 80, l owered to 0 775 BUY at 0 70 support level HSI down by 100 points.10 25 pm DOW not moving much DPTR at 2 02-2 15.A letter to Michelle s hubby written by Art Harun LMAO. Dear Ambassador Todt. Hi there It s me friendly, average and simple Malaysian with no entitlement I hope you are keeping fine Please do Because Malaysia quite obviously, needs a French like you to be her Ambassador You know, actually, there were a couple more persons who were considered to be the Ambassador of Tourism Dato Shah Rukh Khan was one of them But his propensity for not attending ceremonies, even when they were organised to ceremonise him, caused his disqualification. I heard Hee Yit Foong, the lady ADUN from Perak, was also considered for this job My inside source however told me that her inclination towards carrying morphable key-chain and pepper spray was a negative aspect causing her nomination for the job adversely affected The final nail on the proverbial coffin was apparently struck when she was asked to or ally shout a slogan to promote tourism and she instantly and very distinctively said Come to Berak Needless to say Mr Ambassador, you got the job. You must be happy I am too, if I were you But unfortunately I am not you You know, it takes people like Jamaluddin Jarjis years and years of being involved in politics and serving the peasants of Malaysia as a Minister before he would even be considered to be an Ambassador Even then, he still hasn t got the job But you got the job just 2 weeks after you became a 2nd hand Malaysian Aren t you proud Mr Ambassador I betcha That is even faster than a Brawn GP car sorry, I wanted to say faster than a Ferrari, but well, you know what I mean. One piece of reminder though Please don t go about pinching some young asses in some bar, okay The mere fact that you are an Ambassador does not mean that you could do that with impunity Furthermore, I am sure Ms Yeoh would not be happy if you did that. The word is Malaysia and France are now even No, I am not ta lking about football Because in football terms we are quite obviously not even I mean, Platini, Le Blanc and Barthez could even play in the team with their balls collectively tied up together against our team and I am sure we would still lose by 13-1 And even then, the goal which we score would have been scored when Barthez was taking a ciggy break and Platini was prostate check No In football we are not even, quite obviously. What I am talking about is this We have a miserable singer who can t sing very well in France He is Datuk Shake And France has a guy who can t really drive well over here to become an Ambassador Yes 1-1 what I mean. If you must know Mr Ambassador or is it Your Excellency I mean our Foreign Minister addressed the US State Secretary as one the other day , Malaysia is truly Asia We have people who behave like some Iranian Ayatollahs here In fact, if you go to some of our government schools, you would think you are in Iran. And some women here behave like Imelda Marcos In addition, there is a bit of Sultan Brunei in some of our royalties Then sometime we have the FRUs, policemen and army lining up the streets like the Thai or South Korean army and police although in Thailand they do that because there were thousands and thousands of protesters on the street whereas in Malaysia there were only people having breakfast in a restaurant and burning some candles on the pavements. We also have people who behave like Ferdinand Marcos and Suharto in Malaysia And the Tamil tigers are also here, apparently We also have quite strong traces of the Talibans here, even in the Parliament bringing a Bible in Malay and I am sure you will be meeting these. Added to that, Malaysia also are very closely connected to Bangladeshis, Burmese, Indonesians, Vietnamese and what have you Apart from that, there also appear to be many Chinese babes from China in KL, especially at night. In our administration, our Anti-Corruption Commission MACC and its empowering law is loosely based on the Hong Kong set up But of course, implementation and enforcement wise we are different la There you go Without doubt, Malaysia is indeed truly Asia. As the Tourism Ambassador, I am sure you must also come up with schemes to promote tourism here I think you should tell Yen Yen or whoever is responsible to not use Visit Malaysia Year 2009 or 2010 or 2011 anymore Tell her to use Visit Malaysia Year Every Year instead That way, the Ministry concerned would not have to make new posters, flyers and whatever promo stuffs every year because the year keeps on changing Save some trees and more importantly, money After all, the Ministry, through Pempena, had lost a lot of it sometime ago. I am sure you know how to do your work very well But, please do allow me to teach you anyway. Here are some suggestions on the do s and don ts. I think you should, while promoting tourism to Malaysia your second home, advise the potential tourists on several matters First and foremost, tell them not to wear bl ack upon arrival That is a complete no no Then, if they are thinking of bringing as a souvenier to any of their Malaysian friend a bible in Malay, tell them to forget about that In fact, tell them not to bring more than one bible even if it is in English for any one group Preferably, they should be in Latin That is because we Malaysians are adverse to the Bible as do vampires to the crucifix or garlic Don t ask me I don t know why. Further, I think you should remind that old couples, especially Americans, should not sleep together in a hotel room, particularly in Langkawi Otherwise, some religious authorities officers, or people claiming to be from such authorities, might storm into their room and arrest them for khalwat or adultery. Upon arrival, the tourists must see the grandeur of our airport If you have the chance, bring them to the LCCT too They would notice that our airport serves not too many people and airplanes But still we must build another LCCT for whatever reason On the way to KL, you of course can tell the tourist to make a detour to the F1 Circuit to see some races But do tell them not to waste their time Because they can witness better, and more exciting, motorcycle races along the Kesas highway or somewhere in Bandar Tun Razak or Cheras at 3am But do tell them not to bring any wallet or handbag while watching, okay. Malaysia has nice places in abundance Places with high historical values are also around I think the first place to go is the KLCC They used to be the tallest buildings in the world But now they are the tallest twin towers in the world You must tell the tourist Mr Ambassador, that the KLCC is proof that a man s ego can manifest itself into many things And one of it is the desire to build the tallest buildings. Indeed, Malaysia is entered as the country with the most number of records in the record book Longest teh tarik Biggest bunga manggar Longest beef grill Biggest kites I heard we are now attempting to have the most number of Speakers i n a state legislative assembly and the most number of Menteris Besar - at the same time - in a state as well Not to mention the quickest change of government in the whole world Like at 11am today you have one government and at 11 30 am tomorrow you have another government Things like that It is like quicker than a Ferrari pit stop, if you know what I mean Do you know what I mean. The KLCC is also home to what we Malaysian think is the most highly capitalised condom shop in the world It is called Valuecap Nobody knows what it does although it loses billions and was given more billions But judging by the name, it must be something to do with condoms we suppose. TEH Anyone know what VALUECAP done with the money Smell fishy here. The KLCC is also the buildings featured in the movie Entrapment But the darn Hollywood people made us look so bad when they doctored the picture in that movie and made it look like the KLCC was situated at the fringe of a dirty river Not that we do not have dirty riv ers here but that is totally misleading. Malaysians and the Malaysian Government do not like misleading statements especially when foreigners are the one who make them You see Mr Ambassador, in Malaysia only the mainstream media are licensed to mislead On my part however, I objected to the movie because of a scene in which that wrinkly old man was hugging, rubbing and kissing the pretty babe Please don t be upset Mr Ambassador I am not talking about you and Ms Yeoh I was talking about Sean Connery and Zeta Jones in that movie. After that, the tourists could be brought to Brickfield, our very own Little India But they must not miss visiting the police station there. This is where lawyers were arrested simply because they had wanted to see their clients in the station Oh yes While visiting this place, please don t wear black or carry any candle T-shirts with the words Head Hunter printed on it should be okay. At night, perhaps you could suggest that the tourists take a trip to our own Chinat own This is at Petaling Street What makes this Chinatown so unique, you may ask Well, this is the only Chinatown in the world where there are more Bangladeshis and Burmese than there are Chinese It is a Chinatown like no other In fact it is a non - Chinese Chinatown Here not only the whole Malaysia is on sale Here, the whole world is on sale They can buy Rolex, Panerai, Franck Mueler and whatever watches for 40 bucks And various handbags from Italy at such low price. I mentioned just now about the whole Malaysia is on sale Well, this is one of those projects that we have where during certain time of the year, all shopping complexes will be having sales where huge discounts are offered Now don t you go thinking that the whole Malaysia is for sale That is seditious. The next day, perhaps they all should go to Klang On the way though, please make sure they stop at the forested area somewhere near the Subang Dam at Puncak Alam This is where the body parts of a certain Mongolian woman you know la the one that I told you not to mention her name in my last letter to you , were found She is believed to have been murdered here and blown up to pieces at this area I doubt it Because there is no record of her ever coming to Malaysia If she wasn t in Malaysia how could she be murdered in Malaysia Rumour has it that she was actually abducted by alien submarines I tend to believe this more. While in Shah Alam, do go to the High Court This was where a very brave Judge ordered the release of an ISA detainee despite the law purportedly allow him to only scrutinise comas and full stops when a release application is made. In Port Klang, please visit the PKFZ This is a port support complex built to Malaysia s highest standard Nothing was left unattended in the building of this complex The cost was originally 1 billion It later became 2 billions Then 4 billions and now it is 10 billions Some say it is 12 billions It is an awesome complex I mean, it is such a complex complex Very complex It is so complex that a report about it had taken months to prepare and be read by the Minister Probably the report itself has become complex now. There is also a palace to visit in Klang But the owner has passed away So, let s not talk about it. Oh, I forgot While on the way to Shah Alam, don t forget to stop at a condominium called Tivolli Villa This is a historical place It was in one of the condominium here that our former DPM was accused of having committed sodomy The only thing is, the sodomy was supposed to have occurred even before the condominium was completed I told you before, we are very unique people. By the way, at this juncture, may I remind you to tell the tourists that sodomy is a crime in Malaysia So, all those tourists who are gay, please take note If they are caught, they could be charged and the mattress on which they commit the act would be brought to Court Just be careful on what they do in Malaysia We are all very upright - morally, that is - here. After all, we have Asi an values , you know Speaking of which, we also have the Malay Dilemma And the Melayu Baru As well as the Melayu Glocals Now we have One Malaysia. Further to the north, of course, you would want to bring the tourists to the state from which Ms Yeoh comes from, namely, Perak Go to the state capital, Ipoh There is a tree there which is of some significance A whole session of the state legislative assembly was convened and proceeded under that tree Tell that to the tourists Then go to the state secretariat building Look at the legislative assembly house This is where they have 2 speakers And 2 MBs Two governments too This is also a place where a key chain could morph itself into a pen drive and later a pepper spray. This assembly is also probably the only assembly where the police could come in and forcibly removed the Speaker And it is also the only assembly house where a meeting could remove the Speaker even before the meeting actually started the sodomy occurred in a condominium before t he condominium was actually completed and the Speaker was removed at a meeting before the meeting started - you see the trend here Weapons could also be brought in And please do visit the mamak restaurant nearby But please do not have breakfast there You might get arrested. While there, do find a football player dubbed the Pangkor Pele and get your autograph signed by him After all, Malaysia is not only truly Asia but also truly Brazil at times. Up south, the tourists should go to Melaka and take a ride on a Ferris wheel known as the eyes of Melaka This is a very special Ferris wheel It is a mobile one It was in Kuala Lumpur and later it moved itself to Melaka It is probably the most expensive one too In KL, it costs the Government 30 million bucks per year Yes Thirty millions Apparently it was hand made by the French I don t know That was the rumour Don t be surprise if next year, they would build a contact lense for that eye at a cost of 15 millions or something. Then you all can go to Johor On the way to Johor Baru, the state capital, please do stop at Batu Pahat and go and have lunch or something at Katerina Hotel This is the hotel where a former Minister had sex with a personal friend The sex act was secretly taped and soon DVDs of the show was distributed to the public Come to think of it, while in Petaling Street the tourists might be able to buy this DVD as souvenier for their beloved ones Don t forget to buy the t-shirt as well It is printed My dad goes to Malaysia and all I get is a sex DVD Awesome. Speaking of souveniers, if the tourists choose to buy that DVD as a souvenier, they can choose to buy another tape or recording just to complete their collection Buy both and their collection would be considered premium Yes Complete their collection by also buying the Linggam Tape They will not be disappointed From the Linggam Tape, the tourists could, for example, learn that someone who looks like someone and sounds like that same someone, might not be that someon e after all Very unique indeed. Finally, you all will arrive at Johor Baru Here, the attraction is of course the crooked bridge But hang on It is not there yet It was supposed to be there Then it was not suppose to be there Now it is supposed to be there again. Please do also visit a cluster of rocks called the middle rocks in the straits between Johor and Singapore These cluster of rocks should be called the middle finger because it is obviously Singapore showing us, in Malaysia its middle finger But do go there only during low tide During high tide, the rocks will be submerged You see, this is again very unique Malaysia is probably the only country where her international boundary is dependable on the tides I am sure the tourists would be interested to know. I wish you all the best in your job. ps I have always wondered Why do the French call the French toast a toast, although it is not toasted. TEH Got the forwarded e-mail and HAHA creatively written by Malaysian, for Malaysians Malaysia Boleh. Sudirman - Balik Kampung. As DOW reaching for 10,000 level can we STILL buy into an US stock. SILVER This white gold is outperforming gold How do we invest in SILVER As I m buying stocks equities, which counter will benefit the most with the uptrend silver price Demand will be so great that the price of silver WILL continue to move higher, as of gold.3 of 21 common mistakes.1 Stubbornly holding onto your losses when they are very small and reasonable. TEH I have done this mistake last year when market was diving and holding on to those stocks luckily only 3 Ranhill, Jaks and LionDiv Failing to take LOSSES when market going us is the most common mistake most investors making Refusal to take losses could wipe-off our capitals The strategy to counter this mistake Place a cut-loss point.2 Buying on the way down in price, thus ensuring miserable results. TEH I m adopting caution when buying a stock that retracing as I might be catching a knife This is one mistake I could easily commit as I like buying into waterfalls I just bought MPHB when it dived last week, but the fear of catching a knife is real MHPB retraced due to the telco U-mobile news MHPB is a good counter in my stalk list, so when it dived i bought into it But, will that be a mistake. At the moment, I have a list of oil petro related stock HKSE which on the way down These are penny-stocks.3 Averaging down in price rather than averaging up when buying. TEH This is one of my common plans - to average down I seldom or never average up which supposed to be the RIGHT way Averaging on losers might get our funds stuck for some time But, we might get lucky when the stock we averaged down start to pick up some steam if we are lucky As market still showing strength, I might think of average-up my LionInd or E O For a change, this time. Warrants So many good warrants to grab as market moving higher. AMMB-cd reaching for highest point as AMMB reaching 52-week high IJM-cc is at the new high too as IJM gathered interests. WC T-wb reaching the support at 0 60, and I shall queue at 0 595 next week Noted. DOW edge up a little more GOLD at 1010 and OIL at 72.Please take a little of your time to click on the voting box. Speculative counters Time to buy. L G, Yun Kong, Tamadam, MKLand, Hubline, Ingress and such were heavily traded last week Not due to their VERY good business models but they are penny stocks I do believe someone manipulators push-up the prices, and letting many punters to move in and without signs, the prices will collapse when these big-boys taking huge profits. Most of the counters, especially penny-stocks are bound to be manipulated Punters and traders alike simply cant resist the huge gains with the risk of high losses too I have quitted on these play as I think the risk is higher now, going into these spooky months If market collapses, these stocks may never recover to their current level. Even KNM and Saag are very speculative but many buying into KNM OSK has a BUY call with target above RM1 an d making it the most actively traded counter in KLSE Most buying into it because 1 it is a penny-stock 2 highest volume 3 oil-related play 4 good coverage by many broker houses 5 add in HERE if you are holding on KNM. KNM retraced to 0 70 level strong support before rebounded strongly to breache 0 80 and moving below 0 80 now IF it retraces back to 0 70 level, will you BUY and believe that it WILL rebound to 0 80 level AGAIN History always repeats itself How about if KNM going to 0 40 level again will you BUY hugely believing KNM is worth RM1 20 as reported expected. Can we really BUY into these speculative counters Yes and No, I think Yes, if you are traders and will take profit once it reached your target Please DO NOT believe those broker houses target prices as they are at time ridiculous IF you bought at support 0 70, we should clear it at 0 77 and be glad we did Afterall, that is a cool 10 in few days NO if you are investor and with little capitals Investors do not buy in these spo oky months If we have missed the Mac low, then do believe and wait that market WILL have a strong pull-back correction to buy into it I might grab some KNM or Scomi during the huge pull-back Not that I like KNM so much, but we need to buy something others like to BUY But, I wont buy too hugely on it due to its high risk. I rather swing trade good counters now, such as LionInd and E O Even Genting is a good swing-trade at the moment It shot up from 6 60 tp 7 40 before retraced back to 6 70 level and not back to 7 20 level I have added POS into my swing-trade counter-list I m learning this skill more on TA which I m very weak in it as I m seeing it as a logical way of profitting from market. Penny-stocks are worth holding too, if they are of good prospects, fundamentally So, if KNM seen as FUNDAMENTALLY strong and a close proxy to the appreciation of oil-prices, then an investor with a loooonger period window of time frame may want to collect KNM at current level Buying in 2009 WILL not be too expensive in longer run Oil at 70-level and will we see 140 level again Those oil-stocks will double or triple IF oil runs to 140 level or higher It is matter of TIME Time is something short-term traders do not have BUY n HOLD does not apply in such volatile market but those swing-traders do time and profit well Buy at support, sell at resistance That is the general rule. Most of the stocks that I queued at support or slightly lower were not done RCECap at 0 62 never done for weeks now as I want to move back to collect this one It touched 0 625 and at 0 66 now Not willing to pay slightly higher opportunity costs price DRB at 1 10 never done as I queued for few days before it rushed to 1 20 level Even AirAsia queues not done for days Unless suddenly market DIVE, many of my queues will be done That is very risky as I might be catching falling knives. Hence, I will only limit myself to have 3-queues at most in a day At what level are we willing to pay the price of a stock That is perso nal depending on our own investment trading strategies. Friday, September 18, 2009.GOLD at 1015, DOW down slightly 7 points only and Crude oil price at USD72. Please take a little time to tick on the questionaire of what you think the direction of KLCI by end of this year I will appreciate that.10 45 am KLCI in profit-taking mode I have a queue for more of LionInd at 1 55 not done Currently, I m only holding to MPHB 2k units at 1 82 , LionInd 2k units at 1 60 and E O 4k units at 1 50 Yeah these are good counters and will collect more if they are below my initial buying prices Mind you, I believe market will dive But, it doesnt, then buy during corrections at support levels. To me, I dont mind holding to MPHB, LionInd and E O Among the three, I will seriously collect LionInd not cheap anymore at 1 60 So, I will buy in stages, not cut loss when market moving lower May be, at 1 50 then 1 40 and so on, with increasing volumes. AirAsia I missed AirAsia flight at 1 35 two days ago as it was not done Currently it is moving higher to be at 1 45 1 46.Muhibah I also missed being Muhibah during Malaysia day on Wednesday by a whisker queued at 1 25, but i t only done 1 26 Jackie Lee done it at this level Currently it is at 1 32 1 33 level. MPHB But, I was alert to see MPHB diving on Wednesday to grab it at 1 82 It touched 1 80 Currently it is at 1 88 1 89 level.3 30 pm I m still busy, will be having 2 more tuition classes till 9 30pm at night AirAsia surprised me MPHB, LionInd and E O doing ok at the moment, and I have lower queues for all of them I have changed my play going for more safer trades I dislike Sept Oct. The Dead Cat Bounce A Bear In Bull s Clothing. There s an old saying in investing even a dead cat will bounce if it is dropped from high enough The dead cat bounce refers to a short-term recovery in a declining trend In this article, we explore this phenomenon by looking at an example of a dead cat bounce and contrasting it to an actual change in sentiment that turns a market s outlook from bearish to bullish. What Is a Dead Cat Bounce Let s take a look at a period of economic turmoil. As you can see, the markets took a serious beating during this six-week period in 2000 As gut-wrenching as this was, it was not a unique occurrence in financial history Optimistic periods in the market have always been preceded and followed by pessimistic or bear market conditions, hence the cyclical nature of the economy. However, a phenomenon unique to certain bear markets, including the one described above, is the occurrence of a dead cat bounce After declining for six weeks in a row, the market showed a strong rally The Nasdaq in particular posted gains of 7 78 after a disappointing string of losses However, these gains were short lived and the major indexes continued their downward march This chart illustrates just where the cat bounced, how high it bounced and then how far it continued to fall. What Causes a Cat To Bounce. There comes a time in every bear market when even the most ardent bears rethink their positions When a market finishes down for six weeks in a row, it may be a time when bears are clearing out their short positions to lock in some profits Meanwhile, value investors may start to believe the bottom has been reached, so they nibble on the long side The final player to enter the picture is the momentum investor, who looks at his or her indicators and finds oversold readings All these factors contribute to an awakening of buying pressure, if only for a brief time, which sends the market up. Dead Cat or Market Reversal. As we noted earlier, after a long sustained decline, the market can either undergo a bounce, which is short lived, or enter a new phase in its cycle, in which case the general direction of the market undergoes a sustained reversal as a result of changes in market perceptions. This image illustrates an example of when the overall sentiment of the market changed and the dominant outlook became bullish again. How can investors determine whether a current upward movement is a dead cat bounce or a market reversal If we could answer this correctly all the time we d be able to make a lot of money The fact is that there is no simple answer to spotting a market bottom. It is crucial to understand that a dead cat bounce can affect investors in very different ways, depending on their investment style. A dead cat bounce is not necessarily a bad thing it really depends on your perspective For example, you won t hear any complaints from day traders, who look at the market from minute to minute and love volatility Given their investment style, a dead cat bounce can be a great money-making opportunity for these traders But this style of trading takes a great deal of dedication, skill in reacting to short-term movements and risk tolerance. At the other end of the spectrum, long-term investors may become sick to their stomachs when they bear more losses just after they thought the worst was finally over If you are a long-term, buy-and-hold investor, following these two principles should provide some solace. A well-diversified portfolio can offer some protection against the severity of losses in any one asset class For example, if you allocate some of your portfolio to bonds, you are ensuring that a portion of your invested assets are working independently from the movements of the stock market This means your entire portfolio s worth won t fluctuate wildly like a torturous yo-yo with short-term ups and downs. A long-term time horizon should calm the fears of those invested in stocks, making the short-term bouncing cats less of a factor Even if you see your stock portfolio lose 30 in one year, you can be comforted by the fact that over the entire 20th century the stock market has yielded a yearly average between 8-9.Downward markets aren t fun at the best of times, and when the market toys with your emotions by teasing you with short-lived gains after huge losses, you can feel pushed to the limit If you are a trader, the key is to figure out the difference between a dead cat bounce and a bottom If you are a long-term investor, the key is to diversify your portfolio and think long term Unfortunately, there are no easy answers here, but hopefully this article helped you understand what a dead cat bounce is and how it affects different participants in the market. I have been noting down on my emotions When I was greedy, when and why When I was in fear, when and why. How I survived a nightmare day-mare, actually. ZiJin-cw Yesterday, I queued for 0 148 and it was done Shouldnt I be jumping for joy after TWICE it shot up above 0 14 my target price to 0 144 and 0 142, only to see it pullback the next day to go below 0 130 Should I be relieved that I could sell it at such a HIGH price as I saw it plummeted to a low of 0 07 last month I was not in joy after I sold it, as I m seeing more upside on it TODAY as gold reaching for 1020 Now, yesterday morning it was at 1005 and even went down to 990 level days ago so, I do know it will jump, and placing a 25 increment from the previous closing price, I thought it wont be done like I dont wish to sell GREED in pla y cool It closed at 0 155 OUCH Later I wont be surprise if it jumps up another 10-20 to 0 17 level, and breaching new high above 0 20 soon SHOULDNT I BE in JOY Hmmm. Now, for TWO times when it breached my target price at 0 140 I got GREEDY and did not sell it at 0 140 lack of discipline with GREED in play But, both of the times, it dived below 0 130 the next few trading days I was cursing myself for not being disciplined I SHOULD HAVE SOLD IT AT 0 140, I said As it reached 0 125 level FEAR in play , I was kicking myself in my trading room without anyone know about it, and also I do not write about it This is a confession of a novice trader and promised to sell it at 0 140 the next time Yesterday, it breached 0 140 for the third time in as many weeks. I bought ZiJin-cw at 0 142 with great confidence it will shoot up back to 0 20 level it dived from 0 16 to 0 14 level when I decided to buy into it For first few days, it went up to 0 150 I started to feel confident I even think of buying mo re GREED in PLAY But, I did not as that was not in my trading plan As China markets pullback, ZiJin started to show weakness and back to 0 140 level, and without much problem, going below 0 130 after a week or so I do not put a stop-loss, but thought of buying more at 0 120 level. Yes, it reached 0 120 level I was in FEAR and was too stunned to execute my plan Hello novice trader, you are supposed to follow your plans I did not It went back to 0 130 level then, HAI YAH, why I didnt buy at 0 120 as planned It it going to shoot up 0 15 soon Yeah, right Emotions in play. Funny, it dived below 0 120 level and I was watching it and braved myself You better buy at 0 10 level or else I will slap you PIAK I bought more at 0 10, to avoid being slapped by myself. FEARS Wait till you see my face when it went below 0 10, and dived to 0 07 level I will buy at 0 05 level, I mumbled Yeah right when it really reached 0 05 level, we will be shivering I was holding on to 180k units averaging at around 0 12 , so at 0 07 I m losing almost half of my values With the expiry date shorten each day, the FEAR is very real What should I do As I searching for answers like looking at my palm lines and the formation of stars above ok, last plunge to 0 05 BUY. It rebounded from 0 07 very quickly back to 0 10 level PHEW What a relieve tho I was still down As markets in HK recovering, gold price shooting higher to 980 level wow Suddenly there is a great interest in ZiJin It was shooting like 20 per day Do the calculations 0 070 to 0 100, the 0 120 That was just in a week It reached my average price What a relief Suddenly the FEAR disappear very fast and confidence is back Ok I will be VERY glad to clear it at 0 140, I told myself. Arrghh it did reach 0 14 ok, I think it will reach higher, say to 0 15 Then, I started to write about it 2 3 weeks ago, exposing my rollercoaster ride with it Well, it reached 0 140 TWICE but finally I sold it yesterday as it reached 0 140 again for the third time. ZiJin breache d HKD8 yesterday to close at 8 15, a level never expected in such a short period of time I started to stalk ZiJin in Feb when it was at HKD3 50 level. There are so much emotions involved that I was numbed I m learning to ride on roller-coasters and to numb myself when I trade But, frankly I dont like the emotions in play I wish I m totally emotionless Guess I just need to learn and experience more I m such a novice HAHA. I m trying to be a contrarian but due to lack of discipline, I have not really been doing that I tend to follow the herd , and being slow, I will be slaughtered The control of emotions is VERY essential and important Move on after we sell not looking back with regrets due to greed and hold on after we bought it Markets up and markets down it is the trend that we should TRY to follow As the saying goes, market ALWAYS win We buy, it goes down we sell, it shoots higher It is wiser to be longer term investor rather than short-term trader if we could not contain our emotions. NOTE The above story is fictional as it is being used to illustrate FEAR and GREED in a novice trader like me and should not be taken seriously.9 45 am KLCI up another 5 points after DOW closed 100 points higher I only have a queue for MPHB at 1 75 which unlikely to be done today.10 20 am Zijin-cw at 0 162 now Ouch it will go up to 0 17 if that is the way it is OUCH.10 35 am ZiJin-cw at 0 167 as ZiJin up 2 Sinopec and Cnooc also up So, my CWs up too but as HSBC shoots higher reaching HKD90 soon , my HSBC-pw buried Still have not decide what to do with it RM4 5k stucked and sucked in.12 25 pm As ZiJin up more than 3 , ZiJin-jr at 0 172 touched 0 174 My timing is really bad I failed to maximise my profits again. Invest in China-auto In China, only 2 9 of the population owns cars That s only about 38 million cars on the streets of China s cities and villagespare that to the United States, where 238 million vehicles are on the road. The growth in China is going to be awesome. I m very interes ted in China-auto and was reading a few interim-reports It is incredible So, I wont hesitate to place 20 of my funds into it for investment purposes It will be uptrend as China still expanding their auto-sector Currently there are more than 100 auto-manufacturers and will be consolidating into a huge few BYD is the best performer, thanks to.4 55 pm KLCI up 5 points, thanks to the Raya rally HSI up another 300 points after 500 points yesterday , thanks to the China s National Day rally Gold rallying surpassing 1020, a new high How far could GOLD go Too bad, I hv cleared my gold-holding Ouch. Cnooc closed slightly lower with heavy selling in the last half hour of closing My Cnooc-jr at my buying price but Sinopec-jr up 5 off my buying price, doing better. AnnJoo moved, and AnnJoo-wb shot up I didnt watch it But, I grabbed some LionInd at 1 60 and E O at 1 50 Please KLCI dont drop come one, rally on till end of next SEPT 2010 Hehe.10 05 pm DOW up slightly, Gold breached 1020 but retraces ba ck to 1015 level Crude oil price at USD72 UNG at 11 70 last week I wrote about it when I touched new low at 8 94 UNG rebounding strongly Are these sustainable. GenS-c1 at 0 30 To collect this below 0 30.DOW at 9680 level, reaching for 10k level while KLCI staying above 1200 level Oil at 70 and Gold at 1007 Hope I could clear my HK s CW. Muhibah I might grab some Muhibah later on, for trading buy Support at the closing price yesterday, 1 25 touched 1 24 , with target 1 35 Cut-loss at 1 16.Today is a public holiday for Sabah and Sarawak Yippeee but I m pack with tuition classes as next week is exam week. DRBHCom While Proton playing at the VW news, DRB generating interest too Instead of Proton, I might consider DRB I was queueing for it yesterday but it refused to go lower DRB closed at 1 15 yesterday Will queue for it later Support at 1 10.Dialog Short-term buy signal at 1 22 closed 1 25 and resistance 1 30 Will consider this one with my game-stock. LionInd This is my fav counter support at 1 42, so I will queue at 1 45 later Begin with 2k units, and will accumulate rather than cut-loss if it moves lower Yes, I will buy more at next support level, which at 1 15 I dont see it dives below Rm1 anymore. These will be my trading focus today I no longer day-trade which cost me losing money due to lack of focus and in-correct plans Will buy at support, ride on the fading waves and sell at a target It is hard to profit from market at this period of time.10 40 am MPHB actively traded downward dont know why I grabbed some at 1 82 As AirAsia dropping, I hv a queue at 1 32 touched 1 34 So, I hv to cancel my LionInd at 1 45 wont be done today But, Muhibah still at 1 25 queue not done DRB breaking 1 20, as Proton breached RM4 mark.3 40 pm FINALLY, I sold all my 180k units of ZiJin-jr at 0 148 as ZiJin up 6 , its junior up 20 It is about RM10k, stucked there anxiously for 2 months till GOLD shoots up to 1015-level now If market on retraction tmr or so, I will grab it back I will I gaine d about 30 , which is RM3k What a ride Will write about it p s All these are STORIES for pleasure reading purposes Of coz I do not go thru REAL rides, ya. HSI very bullish today all my CNOOC-cw and Sinopec-cw shooting up 10 Will clear them soon too.5 05 pm KLCI up 5 51 points with high volumes Finally, the players are out look at KNM, touching 0 79, and was at 0 695 2 days ago Wow Many oil-stocks are doing well too, but Kencana at profit-taking mode after a huge jump yesterday WaSeong-wa up 10 too. Currently I m only holding to MPHB at 1 82 Too bad that Muhibah not done at 1 25, it closed higher at 1 30 AirAsia not done too KFima added 10.10 10pm GOLD reaching for 1020 sooner than I expected ZiJin-cw might jump another 20 tmr but I have sold as usual, after sold mine, it jumps up It closed at 0 154 I sold at 0 148 With cash in hand, I might wait for a while to move into an HSI-put. Oil above 70 now I do expect Sinopec and Cnooc to generate some interest tmr But, as the expiry-date for my Sinopec-cw at Dec 2010 and Cnooc-cw at Mac 2010, I m in no hurry to sell these In fact, I might average up further wait and see.10 35 pm BUY TWSPlant at 1 65 and Fajar at 1 13 MPHB at 1 79.As I m holding BJToto-cd and Sinopec-c5, I m currently interested to collect AirAsia-cf Expiring Jan 2011, exercise price at 1 16.Staying clear in Sept Oct to rebalance and restructure my funds will do me good Too much of clusters and some spiders making webs upstairs Haha. W are shifting office school s location So, in the midst of exams, teachers will be busy packing A new environment is GOOD but it will be further away 10km , and that giving me the STRESS The transportation matters and also the time travelling, longer time used means I could not give two tuition classes as I m doing right now Higher expenses, lower income next year.12 40 pm KLCI up 3 points HKSE closed due to typhoon Kencana on the move, Proton too My queue for DRB at 1 10 not done as it shot higher this morning POS at 2 10 not don e too low volume and at 2 22 now. With my OSK s simulation game-stock, I bought hugely into KNM at 0 70 RM21k yesterday 0 70 is the support level and it rebounds today, gaining few hundred not-real bucks IN REAL, I will not dare to place Rm20k in ONE buy, ONE counter I want to test it with my simulation-a c And I think I will gain more than my actual a c Hmm I buy without FEAR as it is not real. Many blue-chips have been doing well for past one month but those regular speculative counters are not moving or lowered Hmm I m expecting someone to goreng those counters. Buying at support-level. BUY LCL at 0 69 RCECap at 0 62 GPacket at 0 66 TWSCorp at 0 62.Evergreen at 0 81.HPI at 1 40 LionInd at 1 45 Resorts at 2 70 HSPlant at 2 15 POS at 2 10 QL 3 15 I like eggs, at 4 30 I just Jusco too.3 50 pm Sold my KNM at 0 735 for 1k profits Yeah right, I was daring to punt RM20k yesterday on it as the money is not real But, hey seee Profits Yeah. Since I m not buying, such a simulation game could get me busy I bought Muhibah at 1 25, Sapcres at 1 80 just now Grabbed LionInd at 1 50.4 45 pm KLCI up 4 points KNM done very well, I hv sold early at 0 735, it is at 0 75 now Wow impressively gorenged.5 00 pm KLCI closed at 1207 47 HSI down about 60 points half-day with ZiJin and Sinopec unchanged but Cnooc down Alibaba down 11 today in active trade due to the bad news Alibaba with PE 70 at the moment, breached HKD22 I bought at HKD6 in Mac , and closed at HKD18 level It will dip further, but I still like its business-models Will consider it as a loooong term investment when market dive Question Will market dive Will post a questionaire on it Hmm. Oil-stocks Today most of the oil-stocks rallied except Petra which I sold off yesterday Phew Kencana, Sapcres and KNM Even Scomi and Ramunia rebounded today. Steel-stocks But, steel counters are in RED I will be seeing LionInd to go 1 45 or Kinstel to 0 88 level before even thinking of starting to collect AnnJoo-wb below 0 55 will be nice. Need to no te that WCT-wb going below 0 60 soon Noted. Suncity being thrown away of 20k units at 3 08 before closing, breaching the support of 3 18 It lost 3 75 due to that action Why Next strong support seen at 2 83 level I will stalk this one.11 30 pm Yahoo dumped Alibaba bad news are temporary, if investors still like the outlook of the company, buying during weakness I will look into it to BUY. Gold opens slightly higher, 1007 now I do hope gold to breach 1010 level, and there will be crazy buying into ZiJin enable me to sell Yes, I do not think so it is sustainable USD will rebound and as stock markets retrace Gold will move below 1000 again It is quite volatile at the moment It is Sept Oct the two months that investors should keep out Short-term traders are there, and many big-boys are pushing the market higher to clear their position and zrrrooommm down we go So, if my hypothesis is right even partially , I will like to remain sideline, at the moment Will clear Petra later. Oil moving below U SD70, and will be in that tight range of USD65-75 OPEC seeing oil to be at USD80 by year-end and comfortable with the price No change in their production I do believe oil WILL go into 3-digits by next year or so So, if my Cnooc or Sinopec do not give me 20-30 profits, I will hold till then and will average down IF market really dive We dont know the direction talking about timing the market it is not really possible for a novice like me but we need to get ourselves prepare for possible scenario. KLSE No buying for me let it be let it be let it be let it be I will like to see KLCI pullback to 1100 level before considering buying BUY is a vulgar word to me at the moment Historically, OCT NOV are bad months I want to stay-out so that I could sleep well But, being addicted to markets, I will certain be BACK.9 10 am KLCI up 4 points, thanks to CIMB and SIME.9 20 am Gen Int at 1 05 vs 1 06, and GenS-c1 going below 0 30 soon I sold at 0 34 for a loss stop-loss level and glad I was discipline e nough, to admit a mistake of buying into it But, I m still stalking it to buy perhaps after the right-issues issue. CIMB-cf sold at 0 26 moments ago Sometimes we might get greedy I told myself to sell it when mommy reaching 11 it was at 10 5 , today CIMB at 11 20 level now, I m glad to sell I dont know if I sold it early again Hmm That reminds me of Genting-co which I sold last week when Genting reached 7 30 level Fear and Greed in play. As for BJToto-cd, I will like to see its mommy at RM4 50 level to consider clearing 0 125 not done but moving lower this morning I will hold this one IF market dives and I could get the 0 125 level.1Q10 results seasonally lower but in line.1Q10 results in line with expectations Berjaya Sports Toto reported 1Q10 net profit of M 100MM, up 9 Y Y but down 6 Q Q 1Q10 net profit came in at 23 of our full year forecast and consensus estimates As 1Q10 is typically seasonally weaker given the festive seasons in subsequent quarters in the year, we view the results as in line with expectations. Operationally, NFO revenue in 1Q10 was flat Y Y while on a per draw basis, NFO revenue declined 7 Y Y NFO operating margin, however, increased from 16 7 in 1Q09 to 18 1 this quarter predominantly due to lower prize payout. No dividends declared during results announcement as 1Q10 dividends of 19 sen per share was already declared during the announcement of 4Q09 results in June 2009 Note that the company is keeping to its dividend policy of a 75 payout ratio. Recent newsflow supportive of long-term growth of NFO sector, in our view Recent news flow such as the 12 special draws awarded to each NFO as well as the approval for B Toto to convert its 6 42 lotto game into a higher matrix 6 55 game are positive for the industry and supportive of its longer term growth, in our view We reiterate our OW rating on the stock and we continue to like the company based on its high dividend yield as well as large market share With the liberalization of the NFO market, B Toto with the largest market share, most number of games and branch network should benefit Moreover, we expect the pie industry to grow as more games are introduced into the market.11 am KLCI not moving much still at 1208 Sold Petra Selling as it is up 10 more now.12 40 pm ZiJin Jr failed to reached my queue level at 0 145, and at 0 140 now ZiJin up 2 , down slightly from the intra-day high of 3 5 on profit-taking.6 20 pm I m disappointed that I failed to clear ZiJin-jr and it dived down I have to wait for another round will there be to clear I just want to clear. I sold my Petra and IJMLand for small profits I m cleared of KLSE s stocks Failed to clear BJToto-cd at 0 12 and 0 125 I m still holding Genm-cj and forgotten about it Now it moved lower than my purchasing price. Conclusion Greediness will do us harm Be greedy only when everyone in FEARS TEH. A good book to dispute the BUY-n-HOLD principle All about MARKET TIMING, a book by Leslie N Masonson I will like to read more of this book as it written what I believe BUY-n-HOLD no longer applicable in this secular bear market. So, I will like to put it into practice 50 of my funds will be buying KLSE s counters focus only on 2 3 counters when market have a deep pullback, corrections or whatever they calling it I m betting that DOW will dive before end of year, and KLCI will move back 1000-1050 level by end of year That will be my entry point Discipline and patience are essentially important here So, I shall wait currently, I m only holding to little of Petra at 2 50 and IJMLand at 2 15 , which I will hold but will sell off once the dive confirmed Many still think there won t be any significant dive, but mild corrections We shall see.20 will go to buy my KLSE s warrants I will grab AnnJoo-wb, WCT-wb, SPSetia-wb or WaSeong-wa Also, might consider call-warrants Genting-cm or Genting-co.30 for HKSE s cw pw and I might want to sell off my current holdings to change to HSI A50 HKEx warrants. Now, I still hope to collect more bulle ts to buy into China green-stocks such as CWindPower or. An email I received from an UNKNOWN person named AIDA. Flat 2 17 Westwood Scarborough North Yorkshire, YO11 2JD England, United Kingdom. With respect and humility, I decided to send this proposal to you This however, is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honor against your will Your profile pushed me to send you this mail, I am Aida Ibrahim, 22 years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr and Mrs Jimme mohammed Ibrahim My father was a highly reputable business man a cocoa merchant and supplier of agro allied material who operated in the city of Doha Qatar during his days It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in London during one of his business trips abroad in February 2007 Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who traveled with him at that time But God knows the truth My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my fat her took me so special. Before his death on February 12, 2007, he told me about a box he concealed the sum of eighteen million, seven hundred thousand United State Dollars 18,700,000 00 USD deposited in one of the security companys in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which he disguised and declared the box to contain family valuables instead of money, by this way the company does not know the true content of the box I have in my possesion the deposit document which the company gave to my late father when he deposited the box with the security company I really don t know what to do. This is because I have been through a lot of hard times here in London hidden for my life The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life I am in a sincere desire of your assistance in this regards Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded Now permit me to ask these few questions.1 Can you honestly and willingly help me as your sister 2 Can I completely trust you 3 What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money gets in your possession. Please, Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you so much. My sincere regards, Aida Ibrahim. Well, if I m free I might want to reply to her and be her trusted bro Who won t USD18 Hmm should I ask for 10 That wont be too much for being her trusted brother, right Hmm somehow, I dont know why she e-mail me of millions of people I feel LUCKY Yeah I might be an instant millionaire Anyone receive this letter besides me Should I trust her. Digital Thanks I do know it is a scam I was just wondering WHO will be trapped cheated There are many cases UN-reported as many are too ashamed to be known that they are GREEDY and stupid.9 30 pm Just came from from the ship but I didnt buy any books Well, I have too many books for me to read Recently, I went to KL bookfest at KLCC and bought another 5 books Hehe Money Secrets by Andrw Chia is good Fear Greed by Pauline Yong is a very essential reading for novice like me It gives me WARNING not to lose anymore money by short-term trading But, currently I m reading All about market timing , and it gives me some very good KNOWLEDGE about indicators and such. Knowledge is power Says who Very misleading applied knowledge with some intelligence is power I bought Napolean Hill s book on Think and Grow RICH It said that ORGANISED KNOWLEDGE with strong desire with actions taken, knowledge applied then we might see the power of knowledge So, I m one of the few lecturers around who DO NOT bother much about results scoring A but the understanding of concepts to be applied That is deep profound. Lets point it back to ME So what IF I read a lot of investment books, investing so much of money and time reading different investment trading books when the bottom line is I HAVE NOT PROFITTED much from my readings Get my point So what you read so much APPLYING it correctly and appropriately is much more important. Hence, I want to get back to my own focuses I want re-de fine my plans and strategies I m going to IGNORE what I heard from the big mouth Kudlow or Bloomberg s blokes I need to shut-off myself from my dealers brokers Also, many other blogs that I read. I found that I hv been too confident and the results I m losing my focus, thus losing money PIAK A good slap on the face is deserved I may want to blame it on the pain inflicted by JL, but that wont change a thing That is immaturity I need to grow think and grow RICH. It needs me to re-write my 5-years plan. BJTOTO The Edge showing Kenanga has a BUY call with target price of RM5 50 Currently, BJToto-cd traded at 0 115 up 15 last week , 16 premium Mommy at RM4 45.So, RM4 45 4 x 0 115 RM4 91 Its exercise price at RM4 70 Hence, it is simple to calculate the premium Expiring in July 2010, it could breach RM5 I m not sure about TP RM5 50.The low the premium, of coz the better Ah Wai, do learn more of it, ok. Currently, I do like to stalk these call-warrants which in my stalk list AMMB-cd, Gamuda-ch, Ge nting-cm - co - cp IOICorp-cj, KLK-ch, Maybank-cj, PBBank-cj, Sime-cg, Tenaga-cl. KNM-cb and KNM-cc As KNM mommy still retracing, KNM-cb traded at 0 11 L 0 105 The new KNM-cc traded at 0 135 L These going below their listing prices Pardon me, they are trading at 48 and 35 premium Wow that is expensive And I dont like KNM, their mommy BUT, KNM is one of the most active counter so, it will definitely attracting traders Well, I might consider it when KNM going below 0 70, grab the baby I prefer KNM-cb below 0 10 if possible hold a while, and clear it once interest shown KNM will NOT go back to 0 40 level, in my opinion But, being an investor, KNM is too high of the risk It is very speculative now See no touch, please. p s 12 10 09 ooopsss yesterday was 12 09 09, so I have one month to go before I calculate my ticker-counter and remove it Haha I m so lost , I dont even know the month At times, I hv to think it is 2009 I cant remember what year my son born, I hv to calculate his age it is 2006 , I think I do have this problem old-age memory-loss.

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